Originally Posted by
Sure Lovey, step away from it all you like. Even after I needed to clarify that I didn't work for Telwater (because apparently if you have something positive to say about a product, you must work for them) that wasn't good enough, I was challenged about it again and again. Then attacked for my actual profession. The calibre of some people around here...
Here's the point. What's gone on in this thread has been going on for years on forums, people slagging off brands and products they've never owned or experienced. You suggest I search for Telwater because it "isn't pretty". That's exactly the point, there's so much trash floating around like this thread has proven, you can't pick an armchair critic troll from someone that's actually owned the product and has real experience to share. I know some people genuinely don't like them based on experience, that's uniform across all brands. But what I'm tired of is people like Noelm, never owned a Quintrex, claims they're no good, claims they're the same as a base model Stacer (the boat that he actually owns), uses second hand story to slag off Quintrex. Others talking down $80-100k products based on their experience with a $300 used tinny. If that makes sense to you, then so be it.
I'm pretty tired of it, I know others are too. If it wasn't Telwater in this thread, it's Bar Crusher in another. It makes it so hard for people researching the brands. But it's standard protocol on forums, slag off the market leaders any chance you get. Who cares whether you've owned or experienced them before or not. Once you actually respond to the armchair trolls, it becomes immediately clear that there's no substance behind what they're saying. Read the thread front to back again, I've been more than reasonable.
Particularly to trolls like "shortthenlong" who asked for information and pretended he was genuine, so I actually spent like 20 minutes writing a reply to run through some of the differences I suspect most don't know about, happy to have a conversation about it. He clearly didn't actually care for a conversation and it probably caught him off guard, so he just responds like a rude muppet, didn't address a single point.
I won't apologise for sharing facts and experiences where I can, even if some of the trolls get upset.