So I should get a Polycraft?
I'll get me coat......
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So I should get a Polycraft?
I'll get me coat......
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I would have preferred an apology but sure, dig your heels in.
You clearly weren't expecting me to address your points in the reasonable and objective way I did. No trace of a constructive reply, just ramblings about cool aid. Come on Matt, grow up.
And yes actually, I've toured Bar Crusher and Haines too. I've also toured Yellowfin in Florida (not to be confused with the Telwater brand), now THOSE are the Bugatti of boats.
And Matt, if it hasn't clicked for you yet, I've actually owned the products. And not just the cheap stuff. I've had a $35k Quintrex and an $80k Quintex. My big Haines cost more than both combined. But it's about context and experience. I only said Telwater are steamrolling brands like Clark, but at least the products are good. In comes the absolute authority on Quintrex (a guy who's never even owned one, surprise surprise) making a bunch of demonstrably false claims. Standard forum stuff. You asked for clarification, I gave it to you. You respond like a child. Some people just aren't interested.
Then there's old mate with his 3m creek tinny, the same bloke who made a public Facebook group, built a decent following to chronicle his purchase of a Chinese counterfeit hull, trash talking the local builders as he did. That may have ended like the Hindenburg when the Chinese thing fell apart, but many of us still have a copy of that dumpster fire and it's a warning - support Australian where you can. Yet he has the gaul to come in here and continue his trash talk. Sorry, won't stand for it. It's attitudes like his that hurt Australian manufacturers like Clark.
Read the title of the thread, it's not good news.
Well there you go...I wondered what this clown was carrying on about..
So I did a search on "Davidson" and China" and what do you know up came this post from 5 years ago about old mate bragging about his new CHINA built Savage (owned by Quintrex/Telwater)....
Best boat in the world he reckoned..after inspecting it he reckons "it blew his socks off"...
He even says all the China side of things were brilliant and the only problem he had was from Telwater in Australia and their bad motor fitting and trailer...
Savage boat.jpg
Poor wanka wasnt too know it was going to fall apart on him so now I understand where all the china vitriol is coming from...
They even stopped production and recalled them they were so poorly built..
Surprised he would still be so in love with Telwater after they burnt him like that...and so harsh on anybody else that also bought a boat from china..considering he is making out he is such a flag waving patriot ("support australia"..) and telling people to "grow up" for having an opinion and generally just sounding like an arrogant twat.....and why belittle people for the size of there tinny ..? that just to point out how wealthy and special you are..?
Good old they can talk shit...
All this because I expressed an opinion that Barcrusher was better built then Quintrex and that my Quinny 385 explorer, despite being probably the biggest selling Quintrex of all time, is not the worlds best boat, but does me just fine regardless.......![]()
Sorry to disappoint you, but I mentioned I owned the Savage earlier in this thread and I've documented it well on the forums. It's exactly why I tell people do not buy Chinese. Been there, done it. When people mention they're looking at imported stuff, I MENTION THAT BOAT as an example of something that presented and rode well, sold by Telwater through Australian dealers, but under the skin they were absolute trash.
And it was sold for a Haines Hunter, about 5 boats ago. I'll say it again, if you have the choice, buy Australian.
Don't be a scumbag like you were. Big difference between buying a hull sold through Australian dealers (not some dude named Jack Zhang in China), laid in the original NZ molds and finished in QLD, as opposed to buying counterfeit garbage direct from China, starting a Facebook page to publicly and aggressively bag out Australian boat builders, encouraging everyone to boycott Australian products and buy copies because "there's no copyright law in China". You acted like a true scumbag and you need to own that.
Never compare me to you. What you did was disgusting, I tried to warn you on that FB page what Chinese boats were like before it all went South for you and you told me to eff off, you didn't want the advice.
Now many years on, I champion the Australian made products and here you are still bagging them out. Just disgusting. What's parked in your driveway right now? Chinese crap.
Like I've said, I actually have experience in what I talk about, unlike the keyboard experts.
and yet while me and the missus were snorkelling and fishing 70km's out at the reef for a couple of days earlier this week, hardly ever did the size of my boat or where it was built or how it compares to other boats come to mind (except when coming home in 15 knots of chop and you realize how fantastic the Supervee hull design really is......)
Most of us just get on and try to enjoy our lives with what we have and live with the decisions we make and realize that the opinons of others on the internet aren't really that important in the end......
Yours certainly aren't to me...
nighty, night Superfan..
Horseshoe reef.jpg
That's a stunning photo. Nice work.
Ironic you say that, given you've been so hell bent like certain others in this thread to paint another brand brand as a bad product. Hell, I say some good things about Quintrexes and apparently I work for Telwater. Next minute you're telling me I got burned by Telwater half a decade ago (you're probably right), but which is it?
I just give my experiences based on boats that I've owned. Some have been good, some crap. Unfortunately it seems fashionable on certain forums to knock our own builders like Quintrex, particularly guys who've either never even owned them, or have a really bare bones model from the tinny range and extrapolate that to the rest of the lineup. I could buy a Yaris and use that experience to call Land Cruisers crap too. I was guilty of assuming Quinnies (and alloy boats in general) were crap back in the day. After going out and buying a couple, particularly one of the higher end models, I'll admit I was wrong.
I've only said that Australia makes some of the best mass produced alloy boats you'll find anywhere (and we really ought to given our market revolves around them unlike most countries). But apparently our most accomplished and most popular alloy builders don't know how to make a boat.
You obviously live in a different world. To the majority of people in this country, the difference between $20k and $28k is in fact Commodore -v- Bugatti.
And one more thing, you obviously believe that you are a boat expert and know everything. Good on you, but the average joe’s biggest consideration when buying cars, boats, exec, etc is the cost
Shakey - If only I lived near the coast
My Quintrex is a piece of shit and has been since new.
Davidson your not also a expert on barramundi eyesite are you ?
OK, I said I was not going to argue (I learnt that long ago) but, here's my last word, I have been to Telwater a couple of times, been to their on water shows, all boats are made by the same employees (except the plate boats at time, don't know about now) no apprentices weld Savage any more than weld Quintrex, the Quintrex range does have a unique bow "pressing" (blade hull) as does Stacer (millennium hull? I think) does it make the Quintrex any better or drier? That's a perhaps maybe, if it is, it's marginal or near impossible to compare (in my opinion only) Would I buy another one? yes I would, kind of thinking about it now, for the money they represent good value (in my opinion) is there better boats, yes, without doubt, asked if I would buy one around 6m, the answer is definitely no, double no in fact. I didn't buy a Stacer because I thought it was the best boat ever, it just fitted my requirements and was in stock, ready to go, plus the dealer I like, gives me a discount on stuff I buy, knows my name, makes it all round a good deal (in my opinion) and the dealer could get me a test drive if I wanted, because there's so many around, I didn't need a test because I have been on one hundreds of times.
Noelm, with respect, the claims you made about the Stacer/Quintrex hulls being the same, you were objectively wrong and I corrected you, nothing more. You've had to back track on that. You also made claims about stock availability at the moment because you saw the news article saying orders were out 12 months. Again, you clearly haven't stepped foot in a dealership this year and I corrected you with the facts. You also made claims about the rigidity of pre-orders. Again, you were simply wrong and I corrected you.
In fact, I've added more factual value in this thread than the rest combined. Go back, read through the posts. I'm providing factual information, correcting folks who (albeit trying to be helpful) were effectively posting misinformation, such as Noelm saying there's a 1 year wait on Telwater products, it needs to be pre-ordered and those orders can't be changed, the Quintrex and Stacers are the same boat, etc. Again, factually incorrect and he's back tracked from it.
Incredible the flak you cop from the rest of the usual suspects the second you say anything positive about Australian boat brands. Again, experts who either haven't owned them, or have old little tinnys with no nexus to this century's product. This misinformation that gets posted on forums is a real problem.
Let's be honest, most of the folks replying are average punters with very little experience with the products they talk about. That isn't an insult, it's factual and it's not unique to boat forums. How many of you experts have bought a brand new Haines Hunter? A new Quintrex? A new Savage? A new Surtees? A new Sea Ray? A new Signature? A new Cootacraft? The list goes on. I'd love to see some trailer boat resumes. Let's be honest, if we were talking in person, judging by the comments I'm reading here, most of you would mumble and tap out, because you're out of your depth. Never owned the products, no experience to actually inform an opinion. Again, read the posts, even your much loved Noelm has had to back track after being corrected, largely because he doesn't have experience buying the products.
Clear case in point with some of you guys - apparently $8k in the price of a boat is like a Commodore vs Bugatti. I'm sorry to hear that, but that says a lot about you as a boat buyer. If you'd ever actually bought a decent rig, you would have spent more than $8k on electronics alone. Again, this is the calibre of expert I'm dealing with, it's almost comical.
I still haven't received any constructive responses to my thoughts on Quintrex, apart from "they're crap". How about we talk about different Australian builders, how do you pros feel about Cootacraft and Haines Hunter? Oh, never owned both to compare. Noted. How many of you even know what a Cootacraft is would be my next question. Don't worry it's an Australian builder, feel free to bag them out.
I know that many people lurk and don't post like some of the usual trouble makers, I'm satisfied in knowing that I've at least helped these people out, rather than spewing uninformed hateful nonsense like many others.
Haha..first Quintrex is the best boat in the world and now this..
Typical compunction about lying to prove a point.....
Doesnt surprise me a bit..isnt that what you do for a living..?
When I started my chinese boat blog I had already paid a deposit and the deal was done.
So I didnt need yours or anybody elses opinion that I was a "scumbag" for not buying a aussie welded, mostly sourced in China boat..
The only builders I bagged out were Formosa, Quintrex/Yellowfin and Tabs by calling them "toy boats"...IMO thats what they are..
I was after a 6-7m true centre cab and none of those factory production builders offered such a thing...most that called them a "centre cab" just had a large centre console that was either bolted onto a plywood floor or for a lot extra that same console welded into a plate floor..none were suitable for overnighting and comfortably sleeping 2 adults..and after inspecting some of those was not very impressed about the quality of construction or fitout either...
As I have mentioned numerous times I am a big fan of most of the Qld built custom plate boats such as Moda, Amm, Omm, Svvenson, ACB, Rebel etc etc...
These are on a whole other other level to the stuff that comes out of Telwater and often not much more cost comparatively speaking...
They are made up here in Qld and their layouts particularly suit the Qld reef fishing , boating lifestyle and can be customised to suit.
Noble was also one of the pioneers and better builders before they infamously took their production to China and , well, you know the rest...
And also as mentioned I got quotes off a few of them and quickly found the prices were not affordable for our budget being pretty low income earners..
Having a crook back and spending many years traveling back and forwards to the reef in pressed boats like Stacer and Quintrexs in the 5m plus range the quality of the ride was paramount..
The Supervee fit the bill, both ride and price wise and came in at about half the cost of a comparative aussie built boat...(actually less then half of a aussie built Noble)..
So thats what we did and initially I was happy with sharing the good and bad on the blog till it became apparent that people like you existed and were more interested in character assassination and the chest thumping, flag waving, ego boosting "I told you so" bullshit..
With you Superfan, dont you think its a little puzzling that I'm a "scumbag" for buying a chinese built boat but when you did, it was quite acceptable and you even crowed it triumphantly from the rooftops and basically said it was better then any other aussie built boat..?
Yep so there were dramas and some disappointments but after 165 hours and 18 months later we are happy with the boat and delighted with the ride and handling...we have received 2 lots of payments for warranty work and upgrading fitout stuff to our satisfaction...
Strangely enough some of the issues that annoyed me seem to be prevalent and commonplace on some mass produced aussie boats..namely paint, finish, fitout quality, trailer quality and actually getting the manufacturer to honour warranty...I had quite a few people contact me through the blog with tales of woe about their bad experience's and disappointment with most aussie factory built brands..
And also as I have mentioned I wouldnt recommend anyone buying a boat sight unseen.
I do however think that Chinese boats will make huge inroads into market here and perhaps partly because of my blog, and others complaints, Gospel boats have already made significant improvements to fitout quality and other areas of the build..
Still not perfect but they seem amazingly adept at improving their products quickly based on customer feedback from what I have seen over the past 2 years ..
Write them off at your own peril but just like the Japs did with the motorcar industry the Chinese will do likewise with everything else soon enough..
Is my boat the best in the world..?...Nope
Is it better for me then a Yellowfin/formosa/tabs...Yep
Was it stressful and were there issues throughout the build..?..Yep,communication was difficult and It caused me anxiety at times.
Does it suit my requirements and was it affordable to my budget.?...Totally.
Do I "encourage" others to buy chinese products or "boycott" aussie products...?.....Nice try Wanka....people should be able to do whatever they want with their own money.
Would I buy another boat from China...initially No...but now, Yep..the products just continue to improve but there remains variability of products with different companies..I can only speak from my experience with Gospel.. ...
Superfan, I realize you know all this, having hoarded my blog ....I am pretty honest about it all only have to ask and I will be straight up about it...
For some reason a select few let their hatred and bigotry blind them to the point where the truth matters less to them then the skewed picture they want to paint.
and no, I wont ever compare myself to a hypocritical, judgemental, bottomfeeding lawyer who thinks its his right to tell people how to live and spend their hard-earned money ..
Never read such a arrogant load of shit in my life...
Anyway I'm off to plan my next boating adventure rather then trying to convince people that I have the best boats in the world...
Suggest you do the same..
Over and Out..
PS... and as I have offered before..if anyone is considering buying/importing a Gospel boat and wants any advice, feel free to shoot me a PM..I'm happy to share my experiences good and bad...warts and all so to speak..
Thanks mate ..I'll let the missus know..she is really enjoying getting back out and doing some diving and snorkelling and playing around with the Go pro.....![]()