For locals and visitors alike.
Reports over the last little while highlight the need for common sense and vigilance when on or in the water north of Gladstone.
The reminder is for locals in those areas who tend to become a bit complacent over time. I found myself at waters edge at a boat ramp cleaning fish with my back to the water one afternoon. I knew there were crocs around but had grown complacent.
There is a particularly large one who "owns" the waters near that ramp. I'd seen him many times but had simply forgotten about him. He had become part of the landscape to me.
That's how easy it is.
Its also a timely warning to visitors to those areas including freshwater creeks and lagoons near coast or big river systems.
Best way to think is the way that I learned at the Roper River (not well enough as I found).
"If its wet then its probably got a croc in it".
Take notice of the warnings.