Originally Posted by
Again, agree whole heartedly, Noel. Nothing unreasonable about any of that.
But the stuff I'm talking about IS unreasonable and its happening.
Here's an example of some of it just the other day:
What are you stalking me you ####wit, Ron or Douglas or whoever the #### you are, why won't you put your real name up, no ####in gut's.
and some more
What's it like to be unliked as you are, you are just a hero who likes to put up long winded posts to make youself look smart, then someone ask's you a few question's & you take all your post's down.
And some more
I just like the way Wahoo f/c said it, you got butthurt by someone asking some questions relating to your posts just like Gazza. (even Gazza got a mention and he's not involved in this).
Yet suddenly this same guy is publicly claiming to be a victim.
That's the environment into which this forum has degenerated. For years I was paid to tolerate insults so they're like water on a duck's back to me.
But few members want to take part in conversations that interest them when they are exposed to the pile-ons and deliberate disruption that these guys all take part in. The members and the site suffers.