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Fill a hole in a transom
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Thread: Fill a hole in a transom

  1. #1

    Fill a hole in a transom

    Hi all,

    Just after some advice on how I should fill this hole in my transom please.

    I removed my outboard motor to replace the washwell drains as the ones that were there were leaking and when I removed it I noticed that either the previous owner or the mechanic that put the outboard on had drilled a skewing hole in the transom right beside the drain outlet of the washwell drain because I guess the actual drain hole didn't line up with the outboard mounting plate was blocking it or something, so now I have a hole beside a hole that needs filling.

    Just wondering the best method and also the best product to fill it with?

    Thanks menIMG20210130175735.jpgIMG_20210130_174449_01.jpeg

    Sent from my CPH2069 using Ausfish mobile app

  2. #2

    Re: Fill a hole in a transom

    Quote Originally Posted by garfield28 View Post
    Hi all,

    Just after some advice on how I should fill this hole in my transom please.

    I removed my outboard motor to replace the washwell drains as the ones that were there were leaking and when I removed it I noticed that either the previous owner or the mechanic that put the outboard on had drilled a skewing hole in the transom right beside the drain outlet of the washwell drain because I guess the actual drain hole didn't line up with the outboard mounting plate was blocking it or something, so now I have a hole beside a hole that needs filling.

    Just wondering the best method and also the best product to fill it with?

    Thanks menIMG20210130175735.jpgIMG_20210130_174449_01.jpeg

    Sent from my CPH2069 using Ausfish mobile app
    I would first check there is no moisture in the transom, if not clean out both holes well, I would also consider drilling out oversize, soak resin into the timber and once it starts to go off bog the lot with resin and Q Cells or you can use talcom powder. Once set drill a new hole for the motor bracket.
    You can buy propriety fibreglass bog

  3. #3

    Re: Fill a hole in a transom

    The holes are actually for the drains that allow water to come out of the wash well. I think they may have drilled the hole beside it because the outboard mounting plate was blocking it.

    I'll be putting the new ones attached back in thereIMG20210202172529.jpgIMG20210202172534.jpg

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  4. #4
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: Fill a hole in a transom

    Yeah but I think what Dignity is saying is first have a scratch around inside that hole and check that the exposed timber hasnt started to rot ..

    When the extra hole was drilled it doesnt look like it was sealed and thus has been exposed to moisture....

    Hopefully its still solid..

  5. #5
    Ausfish Gold Member CT's Avatar
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    Re: Fill a hole in a transom

    Glass the hole first before refitting the transom drain.

  6. #6

    Re: Fill a hole in a transom

    Quote Originally Posted by garfield28 View Post
    The holes are actually for the drains that allow water to come out of the wash well. I think they may have drilled the hole beside it because the outboard mounting plate was blocking it.

    I'll be putting the new ones attached back in thereIMG20210202172529.jpgIMG20210202172534.jpg

    Sent from my CPH2069 using Ausfish mobile app
    Definitely drill oversize hole, resin/glass and redrill to correct size. Have you checked for moisture?

  7. #7

    Re: Fill a hole in a transom

    I've put my finger inside the hole and at first it was wet but had dried out over the last few days. I could feel the timber was a little wet but couldn't feel really anything feeling for though

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  8. #8

    Re: Fill a hole in a transom

    To drill that hole out u would need to go to a huge size 40-50mm holesaw just to get to fresh timber even than its a gamble wether u get wet or dry, best thing u can do here is let the hole dry really well than give it the best sand u can clean and prep it than do as the other guys have mentioned, i would tape the splash well side than tape 90% of the outside hole than mix up a relly runny resin glue mix u want it runny so the glue will soak into what dry plywood is there enough to bind and hold, let it cure than redrill your center hole u wont need the plastic liner

    By gluing the hole your sealing what water has gotten in already but your preventing anymore getting in

  9. #9

    Re: Fill a hole in a transom

    Quote Originally Posted by garfield28 View Post
    I've put my finger inside the hole and at first it was wet but had dried out over the last few days. I could feel the timber was a little wet but couldn't feel really anything feeling for though

    Sent from my CPH2069 using Ausfish mobile app
    Still worth drilling out slightly oversize as the shavings will give you and indication of whether it is wet or not. Get a small screwdriver and push it up into the timber if it goes easily, then in all probability it's rotted. If so then you have to work out whether it was just a bad job for the drain or is it coming from higher up.

  10. #10

    Re: Fill a hole in a transom

    Going to drill a small hole in the transom when I get home and check for rot.... Fingers crossed it's ok[emoji1696]will report the results or be asking some more of your experienced advice.

    Thanks men

    Sent from my CPH2069 using Ausfish mobile app

  11. #11

    Re: Fill a hole in a transom

    Hi guys,

    I've drilled a couple of holes in different areas that will be covered by the mounting plate when the outboard goes back on.

    I have tapped around the transom and there is definitely a different sound in certain areas. The boat hasn't been in the water for close to 9 months at a guess or there abouts. The wood particles are not discolored does that mean there is no rot? It does feel slightly moist though and it has a smell to it... What do you think?

    As I was typing this and drilled the bottom area as it sounds different the wood is definitely wet... Not discolored but definitely wet. I squeeze it and there is water in the wood. It hasn't been on the water for a long time

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  12. #12

    Re: Fill a hole in a transom

    Sorry, meant to attach pics IMG20210203142654.jpgIMG20210203143251.jpgIMG20210203143255.jpg

    Sent from my CPH2069 using Ausfish mobile app

  13. #13

    Re: Fill a hole in a transom

    Ok ouch ....looks like this is probably going to morph into a full transom repair ... a large job ...first time happens pretty commonly in older boats and given there was that hole under the waterline....probably not a big surprise...GiddyUp who is currently got a rebuild of the v19C going is pretty helpful and has a practical outlook.

    It was a horrible thing to leave unrepaired..but at least its now found.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: Fill a hole in a transom

    Yeah, if the bottom of the transom is wet some 9 months after last use, you're never going to be able to have confidence in that transom. More work to be done than just filling a hole IMO.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Gold Member CT's Avatar
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    Re: Fill a hole in a transom

    Quote Originally Posted by garfield28 View Post
    Sorry, meant to attach pics IMG20210203142654.jpgIMG20210203143251.jpgIMG20210203143255.jpg

    Sent from my CPH2069 using Ausfish mobile app
    I wouldn't be scared by that. There is a huge difference between a wet transom and a rotten transom. Yes it's wet but all I'd do from here is make sure that no more water gets in. What is already in there will have to stay in there. It is nearly impossible to dry it out or otherwise remove it.

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