Its going to be short lived.. australia is starting up a hydrogen car based in VIC its a race for boats i reckon either electric or hydrogen isour future but dirty big unleaded guzzlersare gone in the near future with this whole 2050 no emmissions
Its going to be short lived.. australia is starting up a hydrogen car based in VIC its a race for boats i reckon either electric or hydrogen isour future but dirty big unleaded guzzlersare gone in the near future with this whole 2050 no emmissions
Absolutely Chris. I regularly read THT and never seen any bitching or character assassinations
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You must be joking! Been a member for years and if you take a view that is not mainstream American thinking, you will get PMs galore, threats, and verbal abuse that will make your toes curl, anything about not needing a gun will get a blowtorch held to your bum quicker than you can type replies.
Noel, I’ve never seen. Doesn’t mean it don’t happen, bigive never seen it. Cheers
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OH yeah, it happens, Ranmar and I got kind of involved in a gun thread that got a bit "heated" he simply stated how he doesn't feel the need to carry a gun here, I stated how it would be extremely rare for anyone to carry a gun here for "personal protection" and then it was on, nit wits telling us how we had our guns taken off us, they couldn't believe most of us didn't have a gun in the first place, even an Aussie got involved and said his "freedom" was taken away, anyway, this is drifting way off course, let's hope things die down soon.
Hydrogen has its own unique "issues" that (in my opinion) will make it a non starter as a mainstream alternative, electric has its own problems, but seems to be moving forward at a steady pace. Charging and distance are the main obstacles, simply plugging in your car/boat at home is not the way it needs to be done, that's just moving the problem, not solving it.
Yeah i see that point but everything electric as far as i know is all overseas technology, there is going to be hydrogen car building plant built in victoria i think there may be a huge push for it to succeed with holden closing and ford pulling out of australia
If hydrogen does boom i think we may see it used or even a big push to be used in the marine market in australia
Making Hydrogen is not cheap, storing Hydrogen has huge safety issues, using it in mainstream applications will work, but will it be viable enough?
There is alot of knowledge out there about hydrogen and yeah its dangerous but for aussies to support the move to build hydrogen vehicles i think the risks have been considered enough to pose little risk to the general public, its surely going to be interesting down the track with backyard tinkerers....
If this car plant takes off before another lithium battery boom i really think we may see hydrogen more widely used throughout the petrol market
The fact we can make it here is a big achievement rather than relying on other countries
It's quite the insight in to American culture, heavily weighted towards those with money and living in Florida. So you tend to get the guns n'Jesus crowd a bit. The outright adulation of military service , Trump flags, incredible money on display, the prosperity doctrine. And there is some real PTSD on display, " thank you for your service " must wear a bit thin. Not everyone is like that on the forum of course, and there are some really good people on there. They keep the real politics and religion for "The Bilge"--I've been in there, and it smells bad. Any political reference will likely get a thread sent straight there. You can have a bit of fun flirting with that, eg, someone put up a picture of their boat wrapped in a big Trump 2020 logo, and I simply commented " That'll age well" and got away with it. Or the time they were ranting about Covid , jobs, need to open up , and someone said but all our jobs got taken by China--Couldn't let that go, pointed out that Wall Street, which they venerate ,had SENT those jobs to China, no-one Took them from you..... "crickets chirping "..... Except I had a PM from a guy in Wheeling, West Virginia, who thanked me for saying what really needed to be said.
But, in the end, it's their forum, so you need to just act the role of a guest, and behave yourself. As we mostly do. There has been the odd Aussie on there giving us all a really bad name--one of them used to be on here---so a bit of reputation rehab is needed.
here ya go, premature announcement drop by a big magazine--nothing on their website, probably tonight------ V12 600hp Verados.
You saw it here first![]()
it will be interesting to see what price us aussies serve up on a V12... surely not going to be cheap, do u guys think its just a v6 doubled up as in the same timining of a v6 just done twice or a fully thoughtout 12 individually timed piston animal?
Looks like a modeen high rise building
Id love to know if the cost of one will be less than the cost of 2x300hp outboards?
Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.