This thread is getting to be like something out of the final act or scene from a Shakespearean tragedy.
Time to give it a miss, maybe, before the thread ends up back to where it went pear shaped.
Looks like Gazza is going to make use of the "ignore" function. Good idea for some others as well?
I'm using it. Works OK for me.
Yes Welcome back Gazza , if allowed ill add a wee yarn of truth for the purpose of this post
I remember back in the late sixties either hitchhiking or driving from Westernport Victoria to Wollongong N.S.W..
Middle of winter ,Duffle bag , service issue Duffle Coat which was always issued two to three sizes too large being large enough to use as both as a Coat , Sleeping bag or shagging bag with enough material to cover n hide both parties in comfort lol.
Tad heavy but a warm welcome on those freezing nights on the Road or at Sea on watch middle of the night or wee early hours of the morning.
For those that know Albury Wodonga middle of winter , early hours of the morning standing beside the road hitching a ride can be a tad chilly to the bonesor driving a Mini Minor without a heater using , towel, hanky or your sleeve keep the inner side of the windscreen from fogging up and the wiper blades for the outer side of the windscreen from icing up lol , whilst keeping a sharp lookout for
Boomers edge of the Road just waiting to write you Mini Minor off!! and beieve I do think that would hurt!!.
Drive or Hike Golburn N.S.W. was always a rest and feed stop especially in the wee early hours of the morning looking for that corner Busy bee cafe , Coffee and Burger shop if not a truck Stop.
Streets would be layered with fog and hardly see the street sign across the road if not short of a slight drizzle of snow which did in fact happen more than once or three times during that time of year.
Alway a log fire burning making it warm and good to be inside waiting for that Hamburger which filled the size of a Dinner plate with real Mince and salad between the bread Roll not like what seems like artifiacial burgers one gets out of the likes of the Macca Stores nowdays .
Offcourse not to forget ye ole Jukebox in the corner , with such a night freezing cold as mentioned above sipping throught the straw of a pint sized Milkshake , you know the ones which came in the Alloy Milkshake containers??.
And the juke box playng “ You picked a fine time to leave me Lucile “.
Hamburger arrives , bight into its sweet meaty juices which required a napkin or three to wipe the moosh clean and hear the Jukebox Click over and the next song commence “You picked a fine time to leave me Lucile , four hungry Children and my N#ts full of “.
Shyte someone must love that song me thinks ??.
I cant stress enough how a real Burger tasted then and how full you were after that feed especially for a young serviceman who always seemed to have a bottomless Stomache ey.
Enjoying that fireplace and the warmth that radiated through the entire cafe and how easy it would be just to doze off for a little after my feed when the jukebox again clicks over and Kenny f#ckin Rodgers
“You Picked a F#ckin Nice Time to leave me Lucile “ starts up again!! making me wander if that was the only record left in the jukebox!!.
Yes you guessed it, buggar the warmth of the Fireplace , Burger polished off as was the Milkshake and before the next “You picked a Fine Time to leave me Lucile “ starts from that prehistoric acehole of a jukebox I welcomed that cold freezing night / Road with Boomers beware on that Hume Highway and hightailed it out of there lol.
Which brings about the Moral of this lengthy Boring for some tale that if you’rve a song to sing or tale to tell , do so and move on. Most People do not want an ever ending argument or tale on most if not all Forums.
Respect and appreciate everyones outlook comments and beliefs and move on .
Don’t keep repeating “you Picked a Fine Time to Leave me Lucile “ lol.
I've lived by the idea of, If some one doesn't like what I think, drink, eat, say, or even look like (including my colour), that is their problem, not mine. Their problem, therefore they own it. I have no right to it. I ignore it.
So far, it has served well, as I near my 7th decade, so I'll continue.
Be a shame Scot
Think of you when I visit the wreck mark you gave me up at Mooloolaba ramp all those years ago there with Ronnie - got this there two weeks ago FB_IMG_1611368687138.jpeg
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