If muzz left because of meI i'll appoligise but im not entirely sure it was me, muzz sent me a pm sayingI merry christmas just xouple weeks before the ban.
Noel, Tug, Cat, Inver your all good blokes who make this forum and afew that are no longer around
Just remembering back to winter 2020 there were possibly 3 of us includingI.my self that kept this f orum alive even than it was dead as a door knob, now its summer and the forum is alive anyone of us are disposable
Nice to see Disorderly having several digs at me while im banned and cant see the msgs and im helpless at my own defence, he even had smart ass snide remarks but still remains amember?
I just dont get it, yes i ramble on but i contribuit a shit load of help to other members on this group yet i get banned with no explibation no reason and admin was uncontactable
I guess Disorderly's racist ways and views make him untouchable and Blue Fins constant barrage of abuse goes unsceen as well
Before today i was pretty dead set on coming back and completely wiping out my big threads i have one thread with 300 or 400 thousand views possibly the biggest thread in modern times on ausfish but when your colour falls on black i guess u just cop it... someone even mentioned the ban was likely a racial attack for me being aboriginal weather that is the case or not i dont know but its one mans opinion that opened my eyes
I likely wont be contruibuiting any more pictures or videos of anything i do boat or fishing related to this forum i feel i have contributed plenty enough to say i climbed in with boat feet on the ground before being swept off my feet
I have been a member here since 2006-2007
If i cop a ban for this expression post so be it it'll be my last as i wont return but i would like my user name deleted with all my content
Racist comments your kidding . Matt
A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......
Time to simmer down everyone, differences are differences, just leave it at that, not everyone has the same view of "things" and debate is good, but, once it goes to the toilet with personal attacks, someone spends time on the sidelines, move on, accept differences and "play nicely"
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
An intetesting dilemma and this is just my very humble opinion. Ausfish is a boating and fishing forum, it can have as many categories as it likes, BUT, any discussions should be related to boating and fishing. Political threads should relate to areas that affect us boaters and fishers otherwise we become just another unregulated social media site. As it now stands maybe the moderators can remove the permanent penalty against me because I posted in the wrong section many years ago.