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Back to SE Queensland
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Thread: Back to SE Queensland

  1. #1

    Back to SE Queensland

    Hey team, been away from the Brisbane region for a while now.... around 18 years!!! Today I discovered Queensland no longer has the free marine park zoning maps available at your local tackle store. Any tips for the best map or app to use to make sure I stay on the right side of the law?

    Also, looking to head to Noosa soon. Any tips on how and when to cross the bar there. Never done it but have heard its a bit hazardous. Boat is a Formosa Tomahawk 580 half cab with a Honda 135 hp.


  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Funchy's Avatar
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    Re: Back to SE Queensland

    Quote Originally Posted by WalFish View Post
    Hey team, been away from the Brisbane region for a while now.... around 18 years!!! Today I discovered Queensland no longer has the free marine park zoning maps available at your local tackle store. Any tips for the best map or app to use to make sure I stay on the right side of the law?

    Also, looking to head to Noosa soon. Any tips on how and when to cross the bar there. Never done it but have heard its a bit hazardous. Boat is a Formosa Tomahawk 580 half cab with a Honda 135 hp.


    Hey Wal

    I use the "eye on the reef" app. It holds marine maps etc. Can't help with the Noosa bar crossing sorry.

    Good luck and be safe

  3. #3

    Re: Back to SE Queensland

    I look them up online, it's a PIA, fortunately I still the paper maps and the MPs haven't changed where I fish. Garmin include them on their newer GPS/combos now which would help but mine are still working and I don't need to upgrade yet. I've transferred the WPs to my GPS and created a Route in Green so it shows up.
    It's a sad world where all important information now has been relegated to a small screen.

    Edit: according to their site you can still get them sent to you.

    contact the#Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority#by calling 1800 990 177 and have a free zoning map sent straight to your door

  4. #4

    Re: Back to SE Queensland

    Thanks Funchy - I asked a bloke at work today and he recommended Boating HD as a great app. I'll try both and report back.
    Cheers Dignity - I will definitely give them a call as its too hard to plan a trip when you have to get in the boat at home and sweat it out looking at the GPS screen.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member shakey55's Avatar
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    Re: Back to SE Queensland

    Had a quick look at I-boating HD GPS Marine Charts app. Appears to be free, looks pretty good and has a wide coverage around the world.

    Not real sure that it will have local marine parks outlined.

    I also found this if you are technically competent (I’m not), if not there may be others who can assist.


    From another forum

    I found the file and uploaded a copy to my server.

    Just click on the link and download it to your desktop and unzip the file.

    It has .usr and .rte files and from memory the .usr should be accepted into your lowrance.

    If not, you should be able to use something like GPSBabel to convert the files to what ever format you want.

    Back up all your current marks onto a SD Card before you add these new ones.

    Sent from my iPad using Ausfish forums

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