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Anyone bought a new hull/trailer but used an existing engine?
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Thread: Anyone bought a new hull/trailer but used an existing engine?

  1. #1

    Anyone bought a new hull/trailer but used an existing engine?

    It seems to me you can save a shed load by reusing (if appropriate) an existing engine, or even a used engine, provided it has some service history and has a had a look over.

    In the 40hp range, how much would a used 10 year old, 200 hours engine be worth used, half the new price?

    It seems to make getting into a new hull more available. The guy on youtube who does the quintrex sales vids mentioned in one of his vids he has seen a yammy f60 on a rental up north that had done 9000hours. Of course he is not saying that is what you will get out of one. But also seems to me, a well looked after engine with 200 hours on it, is only just getting warmed up?

  2. #2

    Re: Anyone bought a new hull/trailer but used an existing engine?

    Of course you can save money, but who wants a new boat with an old motor? Probably better to go the other way, new motor, second hand hull? Buying second hand is cheaper than new, and often you pick up a good deal, but sometimes you also buy someone else's trouble.

  3. #3

    Re: Anyone bought a new hull/trailer but used an existing engine?

    OH, and I don't think I would put any faith in anything a salesman says in a paid add, motors can last for thousands of hours, or fail in a few, it's just how mechanical things are.

  4. #4

    Re: Anyone bought a new hull/trailer but used an existing engine?

    yes I guess you could save money...going in...but.....apart from the extra risk ...when you came to sell the would be worth less surely...

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Feb 2007

    Re: Anyone bought a new hull/trailer but used an existing engine?

    I wouldn’t be doing it
    I’d rather a used boat with a new engine. The problems occurred with the engine more then anything else

    In order of priority

  6. #6

    Re: Anyone bought a new hull/trailer but used an existing engine?

    Quote Originally Posted by stevej View Post
    I wouldn’t be doing it
    I’d rather a used boat with a new engine. The problems occurred with the engine more then anything else

    In order of priority
    I understand but it is MUCH harder to sell an OLD hull with a newer engine than a New Hull with an engine 100hrs old. Im not talking utter crap engines. If you look around, you can get a good engine for less than half the price new and have only been broken in as such, with full service history.

    Glass half full BS, but imo it is a better way to go. I look at all the old glass boats worth zip and a $15k engine on the back struggling to sell for $10k. Just my opinion and 2c. I think if you can get a near new engine half the price of new, it makes sense, if it fits the intended hull of course.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Anyone bought a new hull/trailer but used an existing engine?

    define near new
    10 years old with 3000 hours
    5 years old 300 hours
    both are not near new

    im not talking about old shit hulls you were talking about a new hull and trailer
    used boats is anything thats second hand plenty of 1-2 year old boats for sale

    on a 40hp and 4.2m tinny what are you going to save 4 grand over 20? id rather save or go a hull size down
    and even a 5 year old barely used serviced outboard can start to have issues due to lack of use

  8. #8

    Re: Anyone bought a new hull/trailer but used an existing engine?

    Selling second hand "stuff" is a funny old business, whether it is cars, boats or anything else, what happens a certain model is worth roughly (say) 10 grand, if it's got a big sounder, super stereo and all sorts of extras worth (say) 5 grand, that boat is not worth, and will not sell for 15 grand, it is still worth the original 10 plus maybe a tad more, but, it might be easier to sell the the extras, but that's where it ends. People see that model for sale on gumtree, Facebook or some other place for 10 grand, and that dictates its value on the market, not the extras, the newer motor, newer hull or trailer. (In my opinion)

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Anyone bought a new hull/trailer but used an existing engine?

    Quote Originally Posted by GlobbyGuts View Post
    I understand but it is MUCH harder to sell an OLD hull with a newer engine than a New Hull with an engine 100hrs old. Im not talking utter crap engines. If you look around, you can get a good engine for less than half the price new and have only been broken in as such, with full service history.

    Glass half full BS, but imo it is a better way to go. I look at all the old glass boats worth zip and a $15k engine on the back struggling to sell for $10k. Just my opinion and 2c. I think if you can get a near new engine half the price of new, it makes sense, if it fits the intended hull of course.
    That's rather hard to tell as it's rare for someone to put a used motor on a new hull. Also you are being optimistic thinking you will get 'a just run in' motor for less than half the price of a new one. A near new motor like that will be priced accordingly. What's wrong with buying a late model second hand rig if you want to save off the new price?

  10. #10
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone bought a new hull/trailer but used an existing engine?

    Quote Originally Posted by GlobbyGuts View Post
    If you look around, you can get a good engine for less than half the price new and have only been broken in as such, with full service history.
    I explored your theory last year when i got a new hull but i didnt find any good, just broken in 4 stroke motors for less then half fact just the opposite...

    Just broken in motors were right up there not far off new get a half price motor i would have been looking at early 2000's with dubious history...

    It may even be more tougher now with the extra "covid tax"..

    I found the late model 2nd hand motor market to be quite nuts actually and found a brand new one for not much more...

    So thats the way i went...I got a very good deal by getting a brand new counter-rotating motor off the Honda clearance list which was almost 5K less then any other quotes I got of any new 200hp motor...

  11. #11

    Re: Anyone bought a new hull/trailer but used an existing engine?

    Yep, correct, second hand motor shopping is fraught with danger, usually when you want a certain HP, there's none for sale, but if/when you do find one, or buy new, a dozen pop up for sale. Very rarely do decent late model motors come up for sale at the "right" price, it does happen, but you need to be ready to buy straight away, not "think" about it.

  12. #12

    Re: Anyone bought a new hull/trailer but used an existing engine?

    So nobody is buying used boats with used engines. That is laughable to be honest.

    Those poor classic haines boats with quality engines on them, just going into landfill, lmfao.

    To be honest, if you know nothing about engines or how to service them, I can understand that, but if you buy a new engine every boat, those fish are costing you WAY to much for this to be a hobby, it will be more costly than a bad poker habit.

    Calling it how I see it.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone bought a new hull/trailer but used an existing engine?

    Quote Originally Posted by GlobbyGuts View Post
    if you buy a new engine every boat, those fish are costing you WAY to much for this to be a hobby, it will be more costly than a bad poker habit.

    Calling it how I see it.
    Cost can be a very interesting topic when it comes to buying 2nd hand motors...and it doesnt always work out how you imagine...and sometimes there are reasons unbeknown to you why the motor is for sale in the first place...its always a risk..

  14. #14
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Anyone bought a new hull/trailer but used an existing engine?

    Buy everything new and of good quality, maintain well, keep for a long time. Quality hull/motor combinations keep their value. Buy everything new, get distracted by the latest and greatest, buy every few years, expect to lose a lot of money every time. Well maintained regularly used motors--not 50 or 100 hours a year jobs-can last multiples of thousands of hours. Buy second hand, expect it to cost you. How much and how often is the variable. I'd rather a 1yo motor with 500 hours on it and FSH than a 50 hour motor 5 yo.But both had better be cheap. Electronics age quicker than motors and hulls nowadays. But don't cost as much to replace.
    As for your first example of a 10yo 40hp motor with 200 hrs on it, wouldn't touch it with the proverbial. And I'm with the majority--doesn't make sense to stick a 20K motor on a 5k hull, but I've never seen anyone towed in because their hull was old and unreliable. I've bought second hand motors myself, had a good run, felt I was lucky. But other have cost me thousands.

  15. #15

    Re: Anyone bought a new hull/trailer but used an existing engine?

    In 2010 i went down this road i peiced togethrr a rig as i just couldnt afford to buy new i found a shop in newcastle with a allycraft cody think it was a 2001 in fair to rough condition i paid 1k i than went to a boat shop on parramatta road and bought a brand new galvanised boat trailer back than it was $850 it was one of those square frames with a drawbar i than had bought a 15hp johnson off my cousin which had a cracked gearbox salt intrusion i went and spent $275 on a local wreckers gearbox installed it and found the powerheads exhaust wall was corroded had it welded for $220 and it didnt fix it kgfcbgv it i thought! went and bought a brand new tohatsu 18hp installed it used it a bunch of times than i wanted a bigger boat

    Remember what it cost me

    9 year old hull $1000
    New trailer $850 + rego
    New tohatsu 18hp $1999

    I tried to sell the whole rig 4k no takers not even a phone call

    Sold the engine 1.2k
    Sold the tinny and trailer 1.2k

    From memory

    Boats are just ......! They are money pits but where else would u be in life? Putti g 50 dollar notes in a chicks knickers?

    Possibly loading the car with 2 cases of vb a week sitting on the lounge killing your liver?

    We all have something in common be it boats, cars, bikes, whatever... we get enjoyment from our hobbies we know we over spend we know we will get jack all back its just life

    If u get back more than you put in thats great the wife will get her hair done and a peticure..

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