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Thread: Launching fiberglass boat from ramps with no dock

  1. #31
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: Launching fiberglass boat from ramps with no dock

    Quote Originally Posted by Davidson View Post
    Never enjoyed managing fenders launching and retrieving solo with my half cab. Running a large side console now which is bliss. It has the fancy MK but wouldn't trust it like the videos. I read somewhere that if the remote gets out of range (like walking to the car) it might not reconnect at a distance and you'll be going for a swim.
    You have a self deploy and havent tried operating it from outside the boat yet..?

    I'd have to give it a crack ..not so keen on the swim part up here in FNQ though ...but i'd love to try it..How else are you going to know its capabilities unless you try..?

    Have you had any issues with the deploy motor ..?

  2. #32

    Re: Launching fiberglass boat from ramps with no dock

    Quote Originally Posted by chris69 View Post
    It costs a lot of money to put all these pontoons in and its hard to jump in some boats from the bow but when you buy a boat you have to think whether you can handle it or how you will launch it ,it never stopped people buying lager boats before these extras were put in they just dealt with it ,even when there's a pontoons there's people fishing from it and don't want to move anyway, sit back at a boat ramp as and see what others do.
    Don't really agree with we should just deal with it because our forefathers did. I have used some awesome boat ramps, 4 lanes with pontoons in-between and never seen a fisherman causing any trouble on then, in fact never seen anyone fishing on it. NSW has some unbelievable coast line and game fishing seems a shame to me. Guess I might have to buy a tractor just to go fishing.

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