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Heavy Back end!!! - Page 6
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Thread: Heavy Back end!!!

  1. #76
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Heavy Back end!!!

    An idea from another thread.
    Perhaps if you have any foam under the floor, it has become waterlogged?

    As suggested, a moisture meter might tell a story.... or answer that question once and for all.

  2. #77
    Ausfish Platinum Member shakey55's Avatar
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    Re: Heavy Back end!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by gazza2006au View Post
    Im still thinking there has to be trapped water the side on pic the rear of the chines at the transom is really low in the water

    As for the transom plywood varies from 550kg-900kg a 1 square meter even if the heaviest plywood wasused i cant see it sinking the hull that much as there is a huge amount of bouyancy in the hull as in air

    Its just not adding up
    Gazza, not sure about weight of square metre of your ply,

    Weight per Sheet
    Hardwood Plywood45 lbs
    Marine Plywood50 lbs
    Particle Board61 lbs
    MDF66.7 lbs

    Shakey - If only I lived near the coast

  3. #78
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Jul 2008

    Re: Heavy Back end!!!

    After a bit of reading.... moisture meters for the unskilled might raise more questions than answers.
    Interesting read regardless.
    Mostly about core testing,but can't measure through any void. (Air)

  4. #79

    Re: Heavy Back end!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by shakey55 View Post
    Gazza, not sure about weight of square metre of your ply,

    Weight per Sheet
    Hardwood Plywood45 lbs
    Marine Plywood50 lbs
    Particle Board61 lbs
    MDF66.7 lbs

    Shakey - If only I lived near the coast
    Hey Shakey marine plywood varies depending on where the wood comes from

    Your 50lbs is 780kg a pallet sorry meant sheet/pallet not square meter Shakey

  5. #80

    Re: Heavy Back end!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by gazza2006au View Post
    Hey Shakey marine plywood varies depending on where the wood comes from

    Your 50lbs is 780kg a pallet sorry meant sheet not square meter Shakey
    I still think you've added an extra zero or missed a decimal point 500 kg is half a tonne, 900 kg is just short of a tonne so for even the densest sheet that is extraordinarily heavy.

    But I think we are all in agreeance that the new transom isn't causing the aft end to sink like that regardless of motor height, Gurns idea of floatation (the wrong kind maybe ) has merit but I suspect that at some stage the boat was left outside during some rain with the floor partially down and the water has gotten into the hull where it cant get out. Another thought is have a good look under the boat and check that some apprentice hasn't actually put a drill through the hull, happened top me once but forgotten about it, the leak in my case was slow as the screw just penetrating the hull was just poking through and semi sealed it.

    Is there a bung inside in the bilge area or is it sealed off which would mean any water in there will not get out easily.

  6. #81

    Re: Heavy Back end!!!

    Weight or density per cubic metre Gazza?

  7. #82

    Re: Heavy Back end!!!

    Proper marine grade plywood 20 sheets a pallet 50kg a sheet = 1000kg

  8. #83
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Aug 2012

    Re: Heavy Back end!!!

    Hi all, thanks for everyone's input. I originally started this post as I believe its the new transom that added the weight and if anyone had suggestions on how to correct this issue. I can confirm there is no water trapped under the new floor. I wont bother weighing the boat as I don't have an original weight to go by.

  9. #84
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Gold Coast

    Re: Heavy Back end!!!

    It might be time to add a couple of pods to the transom to add some bouyancy and at the same time lengthen the hull.
    Worked a treat on one of my boatsDSCF7951.jpgDSCF7952.jpg
    What could go wrong.......................

  10. #85

    Re: Heavy Back end!!!

    Since there is no water in the hull could your original transom have been 25mm core thickness and the new transom 47mm? Itsthe only thing i can think of

    Even if old mate was to go with a 10mm skin both sides of transom i cant see that sinking your chines that below the water at the transom

  11. #86

    Re: Heavy Back end!!!

    From what I can see the water level at the transom is right at the chines.

  12. #87
    Ausfish Bronze Member Stressless's Avatar
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    Re: Heavy Back end!!!

    What I'm in the process of doing to my 16open since fitting a 90HP Yam4


  13. #88

    Re: Heavy Back end!!!

    Without a picture it didn't happen.

  14. #89
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Aug 2012

    Re: Heavy Back end!!!

    h Stressless, is that because the arse end was to heavy with the donk?

  15. #90
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Heavy Back end!!!

    hi Gazza,
    this is a picture when the old transom was cut out showing the thickness. all this was chipped out so the new transom sat behind the fibreglass return. the floor was replaced at the same time with 12mm as he had that in stock at the time. think he said original floor was 8mm. He also beefed up the strength of the motor well floor why he was at it.
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