The problem i see is you're going to open a big can of worms
Those stringers look really dark for a well lit shop, if your going to hog out the keel stringer the boat may loose some integrity thats why i think the transom rebuilder didnt want to install the underfloor tank
The keel is a back bone of a hull its the strongest section of a boat now if old mate cuts that keel stringer out he would be liable for the integrity of all the underfloor structure when all he wants to do is the transom
That is a big liability.
Looks like the boat rebuilder didnt install drain holes maybe again he didnt want to install drain hoes in existing untouched work
I think your two side box sections above the chines are filled with water i only believe this as it appears they can both hold enough water to make it your boat sit how it sits and that amount of weightup the front
I would roll under your splash well and drill a 10mm hole on the top of those side box sections and put the camera scope in there to see