Purchased the boat around a year ago and while it was in fair condition for its age it still wasn't really up to the standard I like.
I knew the Gen 1 ETec 130HP was getting a bit long in the tooth at 700 hrs and while it still ran ok it had a couple of small gremlins, just enough to keep me from venturing too far offshore.
So, first step was a repower to the new Gen 2 150HP 3 cylinder:
With the engine concerns out of the way my attention was drawn to the electrical system.
I noticed one day that the bilge pump stopped working. With a new unit sourced a simple swap should have fixed the issue however this only opened my eyes to an absolute poo-show of a wiring job.
Stray earths, old wires to nowhere and different gauges joined together... it was actually quite scary to see what some people are willing to accept as 'safe'.
This was essentially the beginning of the full rebuild as it 'seemed' easier to strip everything and start from scratch. This was also a chance to fix any other faults I found along the way including a pretty lucky find in the fuel system.
FYI, it wasn't easier but after 8 weeks of blood, sweat, tears and many, many expletives the hard work all came together.
I tried to document most of the work along the way and threw together a bit of a video which can be found here:
And the finished product here:
I learned many lessons along the way and likely did a few things the hard way but in the end I now know the boat inside out and have full confidence in it to head as wide as the petrol tank will allow.