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Brisbane River Threadfin and Jewfish
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Thread: Brisbane River Threadfin and Jewfish

  1. #1
    Free Membership The Complete Angler's Avatar
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    Sep 2019

    Brisbane River Threadfin and Jewfish

    Hi All

    So i'm after tips and tricks to snagging my first Thready in the Brisbane river. I've been fishing it regularly for 2 years now and STILL haven't caught one (don't laugh!).
    I have snagged some decent fish from the river such as 60cm tailor and a 17.2kg Jewy (i think that was a fluke because it took a small piece of Pilchard on my bream outfit, but it was a long and awesome fight).
    I have a 4.1 tinny with a reasonable sounder but not with side scan and do not have a Electric motor with spot-lock so i'm destined to anchor or drift...for now.

    When i find bait, i will always throw my net becuase i know live bait is best for both fish but it's not always easy throwing a 10ft net from the boat, so in most cases, i will head just out the front to the rock wall or pylons and jig for bait which normally turns out well, then it's a matter of guessing a spot and sitting there.

    I'm going to be bold and even ask for some spots people have too so please feel free to DM me. A bloke at my local BCF gave me a spot which didn't produce a fish, but the live pike i had came back up dead and with raspy teeth marks on both sides of it and missing scales like something had it in it's mouth, playing with it.

    Basically, i'm desperate to catch one and would love to know your tips and tricks to catching either of these fish. I'm assuming at this time of the year, they may be further up the rive too, in the warmer water from Kangaroo point further?

    Thanks in advance
    The Complete Angler
    Fish Responsibly

  2. #2

    Re: Brisbane River Threadfin and Jewfish

    Quote Originally Posted by The Complete Angler View Post
    Hi All

    So i'm after tips and tricks to snagging my first Thready in the Brisbane river. I've been fishing it regularly for 2 years now and STILL haven't caught one (don't laugh!).
    I have snagged some decent fish from the river such as 60cm tailor and a 17.2kg Jewy (i think that was a fluke because it took a small piece of Pilchard on my bream outfit, but it was a long and awesome fight).
    I have a 4.1 tinny with a reasonable sounder but not with side scan and do not have a Electric motor with spot-lock so i'm destined to anchor or drift...for now.

    When i find bait, i will always throw my net becuase i know live bait is best for both fish but it's not always easy throwing a 10ft net from the boat, so in most cases, i will head just out the front to the rock wall or pylons and jig for bait which normally turns out well, then it's a matter of guessing a spot and sitting there.

    I'm going to be bold and even ask for some spots people have too so please feel free to DM me. A bloke at my local BCF gave me a spot which didn't produce a fish, but the live pike i had came back up dead and with raspy teeth marks on both sides of it and missing scales like something had it in it's mouth, playing with it.

    Basically, i'm desperate to catch one and would love to know your tips and tricks to catching either of these fish. I'm assuming at this time of the year, they may be further up the rive too, in the warmer water from Kangaroo point further?

    Thanks in advance
    Hi Complete Angler

    Just so you don't feel alone, I fished the Brisbane river mouth all last summer, 14 sessions in all according to my trip log for zip. To make matters worse, a guy no more that 50 metres away from me caught 4 legal jewies in the space of 60 minutes on Christmas eve. I have also watched Nick Whyte land a threadie under one of the wharves as well. Having said that, I have been busted off by some big fish under the pylons. I guess that is what keeps me going back. One day my luck will change. Look forward to catching up next summer if you are around the river mouth. Agree that the water is probably too cold now. Cheers SS

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Jan 2008

    Re: Brisbane River Threadfin and Jewfish

    I was on the river on Sunday went up from breakfast creek up to Norman creek then went out to the mouth yakkas and boats every were if there was a legal fish to be caught it would have been caught filleted and eaten long before I turned up, the only good thing was seeing some sounder shots along Bretts wharf on the new raymarine elements im yet to post them up, saw a lot of bait but nothing eating it.

    Im of the opinion that a lot of the jew and thread fin caught have not been released very well ive seen that Nick Whyte just throw thread fin strait over the side of the boat so for every fish caught and released im thinking many would have just turned in to crab food.

  4. #4
    Free Membership The Complete Angler's Avatar
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    Re: Brisbane River Threadfin and Jewfish

    Quote Originally Posted by seastrength View Post
    Hi Complete Angler

    Just so you don't feel alone, I fished the Brisbane river mouth all last summer, 14 sessions in all according to my trip log for zip. To make matters worse, a guy no more that 50 metres away from me caught 4 legal jewies in the space of 60 minutes on Christmas eve. I have also watched Nick Whyte land a threadie under one of the wharves as well. Having said that, I have been busted off by some big fish under the pylons. I guess that is what keeps me going back. One day my luck will change. Look forward to catching up next summer if you are around the river mouth. Agree that the water is probably too cold now. Cheers SS
    Thanks mate, and all the best for your quest to catch one! I’m heading right up the river on the weekend so we will see.

  5. #5
    Free Membership The Complete Angler's Avatar
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    Re: Brisbane River Threadfin and Jewfish

    Quote Originally Posted by chris69 View Post
    I was on the river on Sunday went up from breakfast creek up to Norman creek then went out to the mouth yakkas and boats every were if there was a legal fish to be caught it would have been caught filleted and eaten long before I turned up, the only good thing was seeing some sounder shots along Bretts wharf on the new raymarine elements im yet to post them up, saw a lot of bait but nothing eating it.

    Im of the opinion that a lot of the jew and thread fin caught have not been released very well ive seen that Nick Whyte just throw thread fin strait over the side of the boat so for every fish caught and released im thinking many would have just turned in to crab food.
    Thanks for the reply. Good to know there’s bait it’s just a shame people don’t fish responsibly though.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Jul 2007

    Re: Brisbane River Threadfin and Jewfish

    Not alot of help with the river but have done bits here and there, do know that a considerable amount of threadies and Jew come from around the mouth though..

    If you want to catch another decent river jewie, persist with the live pike

    There are also alot of big cod around most the pylons and wharf structures, good fun trying to stop them though!

    Just keep persevering and learning, its like anything put the time in you will eventually crack the code and reap the rewards..

  7. #7

    Re: Brisbane River Threadfin and Jewfish

    I was researching fishing round Goodna the other day and discovered they get threadies up there. Guess that means that any wharf right through the system could hold them?

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Jan 2008

    Re: Brisbane River Threadfin and Jewfish

    Quote Originally Posted by gunna View Post
    I was researching fishing round Goodna the other day and discovered they get threadies up there. Guess that means that any wharf right through the system could hold them?
    Yer all the way through and a lot of water in between them.

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