Hi All
So i'm after tips and tricks to snagging my first Thready in the Brisbane river. I've been fishing it regularly for 2 years now and STILL haven't caught one (don't laugh!).
I have snagged some decent fish from the river such as 60cm tailor and a 17.2kg Jewy (i think that was a fluke because it took a small piece of Pilchard on my bream outfit, but it was a long and awesome fight).
I have a 4.1 tinny with a reasonable sounder but not with side scan and do not have a Electric motor with spot-lock so i'm destined to anchor or drift...for now.
When i find bait, i will always throw my net becuase i know live bait is best for both fish but it's not always easy throwing a 10ft net from the boat, so in most cases, i will head just out the front to the rock wall or pylons and jig for bait which normally turns out well, then it's a matter of guessing a spot and sitting there.
I'm going to be bold and even ask for some spots people have too so please feel free to DM me. A bloke at my local BCF gave me a spot which didn't produce a fish, but the live pike i had came back up dead and with raspy teeth marks on both sides of it and missing scales like something had it in it's mouth, playing with it.
Basically, i'm desperate to catch one and would love to know your tips and tricks to catching either of these fish. I'm assuming at this time of the year, they may be further up the rive too, in the warmer water from Kangaroo point further?
Thanks in advance