Hi Everyone,
Many years ago I stumbled across Ausfish and it introduced me to 1770 and great bunch of dudes (and chicks or chick...or maybe just a feminine guy)... anyway... the group that once was plus many more are heading to 1770 this year and plan on re igniting what it once was. I wanted to post it up here because here is where it all first started....
Where : Agnes Water/1770 Meet and Greet 2020
When : Sept 4-Sept 12
How : Bring an offshore boat, a crew rent a house(in Agnes Water preferably) and join in the fun
I am happy to nominate myself as point of contact for the trip and can answer any questions you may have. My number is 0407 261 111 or you can message me. Lucky Phill has also been a brain trust and main organiser over the decade and I thought it was time to help with the organisation as it is quite a feat..
I hope to see some Ausfishers there