G'day folks - hope this is the right spot for this if not I do apologise.
As the title suggests - Yea or Nay? What started out as a joke when thinking of internal layout for a new boat I was quickly reminded (and often) 'what about the pie warmer'. We have joked over the years of early morning runs out to the reef in a very cold centre console chasing snapper in winter and how good it would be to have a hot pie waiting when you get there. Things are getting close with the build which is another 6m centre console and again I am reminded by mates 'what about the pie warmer" Well putting it out there for discussion and opinion - What about a pie warmer? Has anyone got one, do they work does the pie resemble some sort of road kill by the time you open the door?
Share your thoughts folks - they are not that expensive and if they seem a reasonable bit of kit I might have a genuine think about where it would go.
Cheers folks,