Hi guys, not being a freshwater fisho I am seeking advice on behalf of a mate.
He lives down Boonah ( SE Qld ) way on acreage and has 3 dams. A while ago ( a year or so ) he stocked 2 dams with 200 Golden Perch fingerlings... up to 65mm long.
He has noticed the weeds in the dams have been greatly reduced. There is an abundance of guppies in the dam, as well as tadpoles ( toads ), which are frequently removed.
I threw the cast net around these dams over the weekend and failed to get 1 perch ?
1 dam is 3 mtrs deep and say 17mtrs x 8mtrs... the other is almost twice as big and a little deeper.
My question / s are..........
Do you believe the fingerlings have survived ?
If no or yes...... why ?
How do we tell ? can we catch them on a hook ? bait type ?
Any input appreciated and if you have a question on details, please ask ?
cheers LP