Copied from facebook. Cheers Ray
Allow Queenslanders to catch fish for food in our inland dams.
Andrew Gale started this petition to Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and 2 others
We can't fish our stocked dams yet we fish on the coast for food?
On Tuesday March 31, Transport Minister, Mark Bailey sensibly reversed a decision to allow people to use boats to access local waterways to catch fish for food during the COVID-19 crisis, provided they complied with social distancing and other requirements.
This was met with thanks by the people of Queensland who supplement their diet with fresh caught fish, crustaceans etc.
On the same day, Minister for Natural Resources, Anthony Lynham announced that all freshwater dams were closed for fishing to feed ourselves and families.
These two statements contradict and penalise Queenslander's who do not live in coastal areas.
Queensland has 63 stocked impoundment's and weirs that our now off limits. This means inlanders must either queue at supermarkets to buy fish or travel great distances to the coast to fish.
This is not common sense.
Allow us to fish our local dams!!
Cheers Ray