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Thread: The mentality of our fisho's in this era, Im lost..

  1. #16

    Re: The mentality of our fisho's in this era, Im lost..

    Quote Originally Posted by Dignity View Post
    I need to stock up on popcorn for this one.
    No insult or injury intended but you might want to add midden heaps to the list, I still can't figure out why a rubbish tip is a sacred site.
    1,000 years ago what rubbish did traditional people have to dispose of? It was all compositable man....

    Sacrid land may be a tip now because white man dont care, look at all the stolen land right around australia to today its still stolen land but is being sold for trillions..

    No remorse we pay $500 a week rent....

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  2. #17
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: The mentality of our fisho's in this era, Im lost..

    Quote Originally Posted by gazza2006au View Post

    Do u know how hard it would be to compete with todays way of fishing to fish solely traditionally? Modern fishing has made it increasingly harder as has over populating the country

    You cant just go out and spear a barramundi in the creek because they have been over targetted by many modern day fishos

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    Yeah nice one actual debate just a victim rant...

    You don't think netting river mouths for Barra during breeding season could have a detrimental effect on population..?..I have been Barra fishing more seriously since 2011 and in that time have kept less than 10 fish and have never kept one during the closed/breeding season ...many other barra fishos' I talk to have a similar respect for them also...

    and I specifically asked about threatened Turtle and Dugong...just admit that its SOOO much easier to hunt them with powerboats and modern gear...

    To me its a bit like the Japanese using modern ships to "traditionally harvest " whales....

    One of the reasons I asked this is that with talking to my 18 yr old boy the other day when he was going off for a spot of Barra fishing with a mate and I told him to wait for another 40 days till the season starts and we would head down camping at Hinchinbrook island like we do every year ...he said "well the black fella's do it so why shouldn't I"....

    It just made me think is all...different rules for different people in the same society ..I don't like that... how do I tell my 18 yr old that the bloke standing next to him can keep the barra he caught but my boy is a criminal if he keeps one.....

    As a parent what do I tell him...?

  3. #18
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: The mentality of our fisho's in this era, Im lost..

    Tell him the facts, educate him, don't hide your prejudice behind your children, teach him about the history of our country and about indigenous people.
    Teach him that the world doesn't evolve around the plastic people in life, there is heritage to this country centries before your ancestors decided to migrate.

    Something tells me though, it's not your sons issue, it's yours ! you jumped at the opportunity to express your views.
    You calculatedly joined into this thread, with your motives clear from the outset, to bait Gazza, as an aboriginal, so you could spruke your bias.
    Kinda makes one sick actually,

    As mentioned, this is a fishing forum, sometimes politically sensitive subjects, need to be let alone for the sake of all, as red neck views often cause heated debate. It's obvious you are hot on this topic, there's other places you can share those views...
    I can give you a link to some southern U.S forums, the red necks there would luv a new member, you would fit right in with if you desire.


  4. #19

    Re: The mentality of our fisho's in this era, Im lost..

    Yep arrival 60000 years and mass extinctions followed. Megafauna gone. Not to mention transforming the landscape into the fire ridden (dependant) country it is now.
    All humans impact the ecology. Native peoples are no different - then and now. We all need to work to preserve as it belongs to all of us.

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  5. #20
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: The mentality of our fisho's in this era, Im lost..

    So the aboriginals, caused mass distinction and also destroyed the megafauna !! and turned our country to a fire ridden landscape ??

    Only one reply possible to that unsubstantiated load of crap, BULLSHITE.

    you are correct, we all need to work together, for one country, blaming the indigenous people for our current state of play, is quite simply and unsubstantiated load of garbage.
    We need to take most if not all of the responsibility ourselves, it's easy to pass the buck and blame the indiginous from another time period my god man, do you seriously believe that !! surely you jest !! were they responsible for climate change as well ??? .
    Us white folk, have sure looked after the land in the 200 odd years we have been here, yeah.....

    I'm out of this thread, can't imagine what else we can blame the indigenous for next....


  6. #21

    Re: The mentality of our fisho's in this era, Im lost..

    It's well established Blacklab.

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  7. #22
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: The mentality of our fisho's in this era, Im lost..

    Funny isnt it Blacklab the people with the biggest mouths are often the ones that do the least and offer society nothing but hot air...the true keyboard warriors...and unfortunately they are increasing in number as social media gives a voice to all these hypocritical and useless folk..

    Anyway just got back from shooing a Cassowary out of my vege garden...I don't mind if they roam and scrounge for fruit in my orchards of about 75 species of various fruits but I don't like them in our immediate living areas and taking food that my chooks and other poultry eat.....they sometimes smell the ripe fruit and steal it from on my verandah as well ...BTW the shack I built aside from designing and building everything also including levelling the ground and handdigging the footings as I have for all the sheds and structures on my property...did all the wiring, concreting and plumbing myself (except the main fuse box and septic tank and trench) and have basically turned my 15 tropical acres into a sustainable food and fruit forest as well as a haven for native wildlife.....I don't need to kill endangered wildlife to survive...but my lifestyle is a lot of work and a sacrifice ..we also make our living from growing stuff on our property but we earn a minimum wage....

    Red neck views...?..its always the go to of the urban lefty isn't it...?.mate I live what I preach and I try and live as sustainably and simply as possible...if you want a label us we prefer to call ourselves old style hippies that love fishing and nature ....

    All this BS just because I am in a quandary as to why to tell my boy why he shouldn't keep a Barra out of season..?....BTW he said the Turtle stew he had today was "alright"...and of course it was traditionally hunted with a motor boat...

  8. #23

    Re: The mentality of our fisho's in this era, Im lost..

    Gazza, to get back on track, I've seen crows attack the smaller possums as I've seen them and other animals dead in the water many times in some quite remote areas. suspect your post was more an emotional response to FB posts for which i dont blame you but you may have drawn the wrong conclusion as to the possums demise.

    As for my comment re midden heaps (discarded mollusc shells usually), this was a comment made to me by a full blood aboriginal (I've spent some time with them)as he couldn't understand why we regarded them as sacred sites, nor a lot of other issues including some of those as mentioned by Disorderly.

    So back to your original post, no one knows how the possum died and it is wholly speculative although your premise can't be discounted. The response as you've displayed appears to be normal intelligence of most FB users who are trying to be humorous but are showing the world they are not really giving any thought at all, one reason I no longer bother to use FB.

  9. #24
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: The mentality of our fisho's in this era, Im lost..

    I just had to make one more comment,

    Realpomo, BULLSHIT.
    Established fact by who ?? your grand father told you ? Put the facts up here for all to see.....

    I guess, in hindsight, the aboriginal industry, coal plants, factories, there land clearance for building there massive cities, there modes of transport, mining, farming, poisen sprays, nuclear testing etc,,,, Yep, we can I suppose dump our shit on them, they probably did leave this country in a terrible state for white man that came, We've been trying to repair there mistakes ever since.
    Your right, they should be offered no assistance, in fact they should be put on a reserve somewhere, Hell, after all, if we are to believe your fictitional and totally unsubstantiated statement, They've fair stuffed this country..
    The old song, how do we sleep, when our beds are burning !!!

    God, I sound like a greenie LOL
    Quite the opposite actually, my only pet hate is racists, in any form......



  10. #25
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: The mentality of our fisho's in this era, Im lost..

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    Funny isnt it Blacklab the people with the biggest mouths are often the ones that do the least and offer society nothing but hot air...the true keyboard warriors...and unfortunately they are increasing in number as social media gives a voice to all these hypocritical and useless folk..

    Anyway just got back from shooing a Cassowary out of my vege garden...I don't mind if they roam and scrounge for fruit in my orchards of about 75 species of various fruits but I don't like them in our immediate living areas and taking food that my chooks and other poultry eat.....they sometimes smell the ripe fruit and steal it from on my verandah as well ...BTW the shack I built aside from designing and building everything also including levelling the ground and handdigging the footings as I have for all the sheds and structures on my property...did all the wiring, concreting and plumbing myself (except the main fuse box and septic tank and trench) and have basically turned my 15 tropical acres into a sustainable food and fruit forest as well as a haven for native wildlife.....I don't need to kill endangered wildlife to survive...but my lifestyle is a lot of work and a sacrifice ..we also make our living from growing stuff on our property but we earn a minimum wage....

    Red neck views...?..its always the go to of the urban lefty isn't it...?.mate I live what I preach and I try and live as sustainably and simply as possible...if you want a label us we prefer to call ourselves old style hippies that love fishing and nature ....

    All this BS just because I am in a quandary as to why to tell my boy why he shouldn't keep a Barra out of season..?....BTW he said the Turtle stew he had today was "alright"...and of course it was traditionally hunted with a motor boat...
    I dunno Dissorderly, your mouth seems to be doin the biggest flappin Bud.
    Tell us how you benefit society, am I missing something here ??
    Useless folk ? pretty happy with my contribution to society,
    No hypocrisy goin on here, I call it as I see it.
    Aint no hot air in calling you a redneck....
    A Letfy LOL
    Born and bred dairy and beef farmer, no greeny or lefty here at all, I more than live by what I preach mate, I'm no racist, or bludger and don't take to kindly to the new wave of activist that preach climate change.
    What I despise, in all forms, is racism, make no bones about it. I don't care or have no problems calling out those that both preach it, or imply it.
    I hide behind no computer, am happy to go face to face with any biggott or racist and challenge there neandatholic beliefs.
    I couldn't give a shite if you lived where you do, or in housing commission digs, makes no difference to me at all, Everyone's shite stinks, from the prime minister to us workers, the problem being those that believe there's doesn't.. and decide to go all out on others, be it race or any other .

    Keepin it real dissorderly, just keepin it real Bud.


  11. #26

    Re: The mentality of our fisho's in this era, Im lost..

    In 20 years of fishing the port hacking and botany bay i have never seen a living land animal floating dead in the waterway hence why i said it was likely killed, i dont know a huge lot about possums but if it were going to die i'd inagine it would find a hiden secluded location as like most animals

    The possums in sydney are not social like those 2 hours south that will happily sit on your lap, there are locations in yhe port hacking where i will see a possum sitting on a whaft or walking on a pathway but mostly they are up in the trees

    There are a lot of people out there that hate animals and sydney has a big population i have countless times heard of people in the dark scaring off our wild life

    I dont know exactly how the possum died but i speculated on what i thought happened based on 20 years of working both waterways its a first for me...

    Almost all the people who live on these waterways love our nature and wild life so i reckon it didnt die naturally

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  12. #27
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: The mentality of our fisho's in this era, Im lost..

    But isnt giving privelidged treatment to one race and not another the ultimate form of racism well as creating division..?...different laws for different people living in the same society...?

  13. #28
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: The mentality of our fisho's in this era, Im lost..

    Gazza, God knows what happened to the possum, as dignity said, foul play, who knows, could have been completely innocent. There's always going to be the key board dick heads, especially face book, half of them are kids. As long as there is empathy to that sort of thing, as you've shown and most would agree,,, not much you can do about the D Heads, maybe prey we catch them in the act, now that would be interesting LOL


    Thanks Gazz, that ignore button actually works LOL

  14. #29

    Re: The mentality of our fisho's in this era, Im lost..

    There's plenty of references to the impact of original human settlement of this continent Blacklab, both on internet and in the library.
    One could also apply logic:
    There were megafauna here.
    The first humans arrived.
    ....and there were no megafauna by the time the second humans arrived...

    So what happened?
    Were they abducted by aliens?
    Spontaneous combustion?

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  15. #30
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: The mentality of our fisho's in this era, Im lost..

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    But isnt giving privelidged treatment to one race and not another the ultimate form of racism well as creating division..?...different laws for different people living in the same society...?

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