Got some time in this morning before duties called.
Managed to get some reasonable soldering in, they don't give you much wire out the back of these switches to play with !.
Anyways, soldering came up ok, used the double wall glue heat shrink, sneaked it home to use the wife'

s u-bute hair dryer .
Then sat there and realised, I had bought 4 meters of sheathed triple wire, for the switch back to the bilge pump float switch..... Bugga...
Is there a huge benefit in re doing it with the triple sheathed stuff I had originally got ? this wire I've used now, will be in a conduit going back down to the bilge area, I would have to remove the sheathing down back anyway to reach the bilge and the float switch,, I'd rather used what I have since there's not much spare on the back of the switch itself.. yep idiot... If I did use the existing, would it be good practice, to use a double wall glue heat shrink, over each wire in the bilge area itself, In other words, my bilge area is maybe 500 deep, so using the heat shrink on this entire length that could come in contact with water, rather than just the solder joint it self ? I suppose it would also give extra abrasion resistance ???? or just re do it using the triple sheath stuff......