Can’t find anything exactly the same, but I’m with you on the spangled Emperor line.
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Hi, I have been fishing the NQ reefs for 30 years, and have never seen this fish before.
We caught two the other day, around the 35cm's and 5 or 600 grams.
Decided to take them home, as we didn't have too much, and the whole reef was covered with 2.5-3m sharks.
Have not been able to identify them as yet.
The nearest I could get was juvenile Spangles, but the facial pattern is not the same.
They were succulent eating!
thanks Dave.
Can’t find anything exactly the same, but I’m with you on the spangled Emperor line.
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Doesn't look right for a spangled. Possibly a yellowtail emporer from what I found.
Tail is wrong for a Spangled.......and he said it tasted good.
I reckon it is a Rainbow monocle (spinecheek) size limit of 25 I think
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