All left the Sunshine Coast and headed up this way from the looks of things ey !!!.. Went for a Fish yesterday with only three Whiting to show for the day due to windy weather n dirty water is my guess ??. Today was iffy about going out but after a cuppa , a coffee and a game of ########## with the Missus i said ":Stuff it, lets give it a go see if we cant get a feed of Yankee Whiting ( Tigertooth Croaker or Othilus Ruber better known ) as weather is nice enough and not so windy so hooked up the tub and decided to go try some old ground but stop by yesterdays wee spot just incase water was clearer today .
Yes it was and not long after dropping the pick we were into some Summer Whiting for a very short spell and started hooking onto some Yorkies about the nine ten inch mark..
Looked at the sounder and it was like a Christmas Tree with showings !! , cast net out and over with first couple of casts due to the run in the water comming up short with only couple of yorkies for the effort so stopped and waited till they lifted up a little higher from the bottom which they did shortly after and cast net back over !!!, From the viabration in the net i knew we had a few
, then from the Shaking of the castnet i knew something was attacking the castnet to get to the Yorkies !!!.
Pulled it up in haste to find several big tears in the net though a fair haul of Yorkies for the effort also and that was the end of the castnetting for awhile and just as well as it was Bull shark after Bull Shark for several hours afterwards and the only thing that kept us going was that there was a nice Blue Salmon every now and then in between the Bullsharks and the odd Whiting also..
Yankee Whiting didnt make a show and cant blame them as they knew better me thinks ey..
Anyway cant complain as came home with twenty Whiting and Six Salmon as well as only halfe the hooks i recieved the previouse day from an online order !!..
Back into Ebay tonight for more Salmon Hooks lol..
Just as well its going to Blow for the next week or so from the looks of things as well as Moon Phases on the downside ...
Stay home and finish of those Chairs ..