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Thread: Garmin Bluecharts

  1. #1

    Garmin Bluecharts

    Hey peeps.

    need some insight in what the difference is between the choices and the wide variance in price

    i am in brissy and will just fish the bay and goldy

    East coast - $379

    Australia and NZ - $239

    Mackay to. Edan - $129

    help please, it doesn’t make any sense


  2. #2

    Re: Garmin Bluecharts

    Hi mate. Old video I made but does go into the differences. Blue chart g2 is all mapping data. G2 vision adds 3d above ans below water. Satellite imaging. Auto guidance. New g3 mapping is due. Ext year q1. Moose

  3. #3

  4. #4

    Re: Garmin Bluecharts

    Thank you. Sorry for the delay been away with work


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