I’ve had a bit of a busy year. Overseas holiday, been in hospital etc etc.
Haven’t used the boat since beginning of the year and then only had a couple of short runs.
Enough of the bleeding heart stuff.
Couple of days ago I thought I better kick the boat over and get it ready for some serious fishing/boating over the summer.
Took me quite a while to start the Johnson 115 hp Oceanpro (2 stroke), in the front yard with muffs on and when I did there was a lot and I mean a lot of smoke.
I let it idle for about ten minutes plus. Eventually the smoke settled down to what I’d call normal.
Appeared to run well and had a very good water flow.
After I turned her off I noticed on the ground in front of the propeller/exhaust was a grey coloured sludge (should have taken pictures).
I know it’s hard without pictures but anyone have any ideas on what this sludge may be.
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