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Thread: How big is too much to handle?

  1. #31
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Re: How big is too much to handle?

    Quote Originally Posted by Patfink View Post
    They did have one, can't find now though, they were up Hervey bay somewhere.
    I cant find any mention of the Katchya website either ..maybe they don't make them anymore...

    How accurate do you have to be with lining up the eye on the bow with the catching mechanism...which ones are more forgiving ..?

    The missus doesn't have much faith in me and she has bought me one of those dorky looking big vee thingi's to replace the bowroller with...

  2. #32

    Re: How big is too much to handle?

    Disorderly as long as trailer is set up correctly..mine lines up and engages every time, the only time it didn't quite work was backing the trailer in too deep.

  3. #33

    Re: How big is too much to handle?

    Lined up???

    I start winching with my boat at right angles to the trailer, the winch pulls it straight as the boat goes over the rear roller.

    Guide posts, stern ropes and standing in waist deep water it straight out of the '60s.

  4. #34
    Ausfish Silver Member Ducksnutz's Avatar
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    Re: How big is too much to handle?

    If winching solo, use the tides/wind to your advantage when banking either side of the ramp. Seen so many bank their boat on the wrong side of the ramp so they’re fighting against the tide to get the nose on trailer.

  5. #35

    Re: How big is too much to handle?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ducksnutz View Post
    If winching solo, use the tides/wind to your advantage when banking either side of the ramp. Seen so many bank their boat on the wrong side of the ramp so they’re fighting against the tide to get the nose on trailer.
    Interesting how we all do it differently, what you call the wrong side I call the right side.

  6. #36

    Re: How big is too much to handle?

    Quote Originally Posted by Patfink View Post
    Disorderly as long as trailer is set up correctly..mine lines up and engages every time, the only time it didn't quite work was backing the trailer in too deep.
    Agree entirely with this comment. The only time I had trouble with a retrieve using boat catch was when I reversed the trailer too deep (entirely my own fault). The skids must be exposed to do their job properly. Just keep them well lubed and the boat will straighten up as it comes onto the trailer and engage the catch with forward momentum without the need to rev the motor. You also need to take the pressure off the pin before pulling the release cord with slight forward thrust of the motor for a successful solo launch. Once I worked this out, I have not had any embarrassing moments at the ramps.

  7. #37
    Ausfish Silver Member Ducksnutz's Avatar
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    Re: How big is too much to handle?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fed View Post
    Interesting how we all do it differently, what you call the wrong side I call the right side.
    Ha! You’re right Fed, apologies, I should not have said “wrong” it’s what has/ does work for me. We all seem to have our own ways. For me I’ve found that letting the current assist me from the direction of the bank to the ramp is easier. I guess in the end whatever works to get out for a fish is all that matters.

  8. #38

    Re: How big is too much to handle?

    this type of set make it almost impossible to miss

    Quote Originally Posted by disorderly View Post
    I cant find any mention of the Katchya website either ..maybe they don't make them anymore...

    How accurate do you have to be with lining up the eye on the bow with the catching mechanism...which ones are more forgiving ..?

    The missus doesn't have much faith in me and she has bought me one of those dorky looking big vee thingi's to replace the bowroller with...
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  9. #39

    Re: How big is too much to handle?

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    Interesting to hear that blokes winch solo .....

    I'm yet to see anyone on their own do this well when conditions deteriorate , wind / tide - both . I know I've had to help several boaties over the years who were in all sorts of mess .
    Just seeing someone trying to manoeuvre a tonne or two of boat in a cross wind looked pretty difficult & stressful.

    don't worry - there have been challenging times driving a boat onto a trailer over the years too

    All comes down to picking the right side of the pontoon and rope work. I prefer the side of the pontoon where wind/ current will take the vessel away from the pontoon to allow it to align with the trailer. Walk the boat into the trailer until the bow is captured by the roller cradle, hold it there using the stern line as an aft spring, step across to the trailer and connect the winch and winch until the bow is far enough into the cradle the stern won't swing, onto the pontoon to release the stern line and winch her up. The extra step solo adds about 30 seconds to the process to get back onto the pontoon for the stern line. Doing it without the pontoon would be a whole different matter though.

    For launching I set a long stern line around a cleat a boat length behind the trailer and take it up as the boat rolls off - stops the stern swinging away in the current or breeze. The rig comes off in a controlled manner using the brake on the winch so everything happens nice and steady.

  10. #40
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Re: How big is too much to handle?

    Scottar and others

    The way you describe Scottar works fine in strong winds and current but the only thing different in that as the boat drifts and is finally pulled by you onto the last roller, after you pushed it from shore for the wind/ current to push it you keep a tight hold of the boat with the painter that you then position on the hook on the winch post

    You then walk down to the bow and attach the winch hook and then while still holding the painter tight return to the winch and haul the boat up onto the trailer.

    The only extra thing you needed was a stout hook installed on the winch post to make this work.

    Been using this method solo in all conditions for years without issues.
    What could go wrong.......................

  11. #41

    Re: How big is too much to handle?

    I’ve found the bigger the boat the easier to handle?

    Drive on drive off, so long as a pontoons there all is good.

    I’ve handled 29ft proline solo as well as currently a 2800 Sharkcat.

    Not ideal but certainly manageable.

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