I thought Hayman and Reese do a heavy duty towbar kit for a falcon 2700kg? maybe that was a commodore? been a long time since i looked
Would advise against a reco engine not saying all rebuilders are less than a perfect mechanic but wrap your head around this, When i was rebuilding my Xtrail engine in my back yard i wanted new piston sir clips and new piston pins for my old pistons as they were ok i was told u can't buy it like that (im used to japanese motorcycles u can buy anything) and i was told to just reuse my old sir clips i absolutely cringed at that idea and thought to my self wtf does this guy do with all these engines he is reconditioning they must be shady as all hell could not believe he gave that advice and he was dead set on it too the point i had to go to another shop to order 4 new piston kits, This is a professional engine reconditioner in Sydney has been around a long time and still is around... its something i think back to because i had my whole cylinder head reconditioned by this bloke but 70,000km's and 4 years later its still going