As the regulars around these parts probably know, I have been fairly well involved in a hard top conversion of my Seafarer for about the last 9 months. Well it's finished … a point where I can use it again at least . Sunday saw a favourable forecast, no dad's taxi or work related commitments and one fairly keen owner and a couple of mates heading seaward from Viccy Point just before dawn. The run up the bay to SPB was to say the least, an absolute pleasure - I was warm and could see through the screen standing up - all at the same time. The bar crossing via the Amity Pt end was a short and sweet affair - about 3 waves worth through a narrow little gutter and off to the bait ground where the yakkas were very obliging - 20 or so in a few quick drifts. Then it was off to the ground south of lookout where a reasonably steady run of fish kept us entertained until we left them biting at about 2pm for about as good a run home as is possible - dodging a few cetacean speed bumps in the process. Plenty of fish dropped along the way to a bag out of snaps, a healthy spattering of tuskies and a few other odds and sods, including the obligatory piscatorial nuclear submarine encounter that seems to occur every trip down that way that I eventually terminated by means of a locked drag and a straightened mustad demon.
The boat performed flawlessly - once I managed to burn 9 months worth of idling on the hose worth of oil off the plugs at the ramp. Absolutely stoked with being able to punch into a wave and have a big spray of salt blast across the screen without having to duck under the open clear or mop up the drips as they try and find any way possible into the electronic gear. The bit of extra weight up top doesn't seem to have induced any bad habits and the stability at rest doesn't seem any worse - there would have been a change but it certainly isn't significant. Grins from ear to ear.