Are you saying that the way a boat looks is ‘setting the standard’. I couldn’t care what my boat looks likes as long it performs. Or, maybe a 6m boat with a 150ltr fuel tank is setting the standard. And I won’t get into the whole surfees copy as it’s a pointless argument.
When I got quotes for a Stabicraft 2400 & an AMM 7.4 the AMM was heaps cheaper. Not many of us can afford exactly what we want so it’s always going to be a compromise. In my experience Most kiwi boats are very expensive, I got quotes for Surtees, Barcrusher & Stabicraft, none of them could compete with AMM for price & quality. The white pointer & Extreme are leagues ahead of all of them in quality of build & options available as standard, but have you seen the price of a white pointer?!?! The other consideration is service, when I was ready to buy I tried to get a 2 year old quote updated by AMM & they never responded to e-mails, answered the phone or responded to my voicemail messages, that’s the price of success I guess.
My compromise was an extreme 745 game king, had everything I wanted in the cabin straight from the factory, my only modification was to fit a minn Kota mount. Got a great deal from the boat show & best welding I’ve ever seen on a boat (including Moda).
I have read on this forum conflicting information some havesaif bar crusher bought out surtees i see they both go back to the same era around 2000
Suretees boats still exists so how could they have bought them out
You can still get both in Aus
Hey Gazza,
Moonlighter who Is a member on here should clear this up. Hopefully he’s reading this post and clarify that indeed Surtees where the original manufacturer of the design in New Zealand.
For what it’s worth, my 560c crusher was a no nonsense affordable plate boat that I didn’t have to wait 18 months to buy. I wanted a Fisher mark1 built by Col Svennson, (also built origin and now Svennson boats) but when I went to visit him that was the wait/build time. Fortunately I made the right choice at the time because Col left 3 months later and it was quite a messy split.
Like all boats there are compromises.
Yeah im not to sure Ducks i done a google seems Surtees were made in the late 1990's and bar crusher came out around the 2001 era
I always thought the Surtees design was passed onto bar crusher i see Surtees was kiwi and that is where that particular make of boat originated, is bar crusher australian or kiwi that i havent worked out
My recollection is Surtess who is the original boat designer had 2 owners and after a messy business split, one left the company and started up Barcrusher.
I may be wrong but I do think that is what originally happened.
I can confirm Gazza Barcrusher are definitely Australian. I’m not sure regarding Suretees. They were most definitely originally built in NZ but not sure now if they have a factory here.
Yep what he said......most of us will never own a 100K plus platey and most of us don't need one....that's where Barcrusher comes in...well built slightly agricultural plate boat that will go anywhere and catch as much as most boats twice the price....
They also like to overstate their length..just like plenty of fisho's I know...
Not for me but I understand why people buy them...
Yep that’s what I was told also by a freind of Warren’s
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If that is the case than u can technically say Surtees and Bar Crusher have both been out as long as each other although different brands same owners and designs
For a coming on to 20 year design they look like they were designed yesterday i personally havent seen anything more fresh than both of those c9mpanys designs to date