I think people are living a fantasy if they say that a Bar crushers ride is comparable to a good glass boat . The ride is reasonably good & right up there with any other plate boat on the market.
As a Bar crusher owner - I doubt there are too many that are bought because of the ride quality ….. most boat owners are not that discerning nor have they spent enough time in other boats in all conditions to make such a call. My opinion
Build quality / ruggedness & reputation were the traits that drew me to the brand - Aesthetically the WR ( Centre console) is one of the nicest looking CCs on the market ( It certainly turns heads). Personally I dislike the Cuddy cabs - just ugly.
Stability at rest is as good as any boat in it's class which makes it great to fish out of …… a sentiment shared by anyone that has fished in my boat.
Ultimately though - I know that as opposed to glass the barcrusher will take a beating & I wont be crying over stone chips , the next bit of debris that flings up & hits the hull , boat ramp & pontoon issues or running it up on some coral / rocky beach. …….. All areas of concern for glassies
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!