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Thread: Flamin ripper trip

  1. #1

    Flamin ripper trip

    Gday guys, just a quick report from today’s trip. Having fished the deeper water for a couple of years now I have been really keen to catch a Flame Snapper but never really known a lot about them. I mainly target the bar cod as they are pretty basic to find and catch. However with this trip being a solo trip, I thought I would spend a bit more time trying for a flame. I had been getting a very helpful bit of info from a fellow Ausfisher who also gave me a mark to try. I won’t name this person but he knows who it is. His info has been priceless!!!!!
    I hit the Caloundra bar at 5.30am for a bumpy trip east to the 65m area. Couple of quick drops here to break up the trip produced 1 nice pearly. Keep punching on to the 100m ground which never even had a show of fish on it. Keep going to my usual 200m area for a barcod. This was ok however every fish that was hooked was sharked. They were hit at any depth in the water column, even to the point of seeing the shark hit the fish under the boat. It was 10.00am by now and the flame mark was a further 10km. As the rain bucketed down I figured it was better to be travelling in the rain than fishing in it.
    The mark was a great rise of about 20m from 250m. Not much showing on the top but a quick sound around showed fish hanging on the western edge. I had a practice drift then went for a fair dinkum go. 1st drop saw nil return but good bites. Back again and a nice little cod comes up. Good signs. Back again and “that feels like a good bite, I think I have got him, have I got him?” It was a very different bite to the barcod I am use to. It really felt like a grinner in 50m if water. Good bite then sort of swimming up. Anyway, a cracking flame tail surfaced and I was super happy. I marked the spot where I got the fish and went back for another go. Bang, same bite and another flame. It was now 1.00pm with about 65km back to the bar in average conditions so it was either fish on and clean the boat and fish tomorow or pull out now and clean up today. With the fish in the esky, I was more than happy to pull the pin and got all cleaned up before dark.1 went 4kg and the other went 7kg.

    . Click image for larger version. 

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    The wait is finally over.........was worth every minute..........let the RIPTIDE rip..........hell yehhhh

  2. #2

    Re: Flamin ripper trip

    Awesome well done
    That is my next target species
    Was your bait drifting when you got the fish?
    Fairly shallow water too - I thought they were deeper
    Thanks for the post and I have to admit very kind of someone to give you a flame mark - cheers to that fisho


  3. #3

    Re: Flamin ripper trip

    nice one and good result, perserverance pays off. never heard of this fish before , how was the taste.

  4. #4

    Re: Flamin ripper trip

    Trevelly, yes was drifting.
    Catshark, we ate some last night and it was delicious. The meat looks really nice when filleting.


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    The wait is finally over.........was worth every minute..........let the RIPTIDE rip..........hell yehhhh

  5. #5
    Free Membership Dirtyfuzz's Avatar
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    Apr 2016
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    Flamin ripper trip

    They are a pretty fish, I went and fished the banks 80m line on wed and plenty of pearlies around, bloody big white pointer also surfaced 20m behind the boat so whale season must be here!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Mercury 115ct going strong😁

  6. #6

    Re: Flamin ripper trip

    is that boat in the background yours, that be one of those moda designs wouldnt it , anyway its a nice looking vessel, kind of like a pure fishing machine disguised as a luxurious cruiser.

  7. #7

    Re: Flamin ripper trip

    Cool read... I actually thought it might have been trevor who provided flame mark...

  8. #8

    Re: Flamin ripper trip

    Catshark, it is a Riptide. Flame snapper are also called poulet fish in the South Pacific. Poulet being chicken in French so "chicken of the sea". In Vanuatu etc, they prefer to eat deep drop fish or pelagics as their day to day reef fish get cigutera toxin. The ultra deep stuff is fine as are the pelagics which roam around.

  9. #9

    Re: Flamin ripper trip

    Hi Catshark, yes as Smithy said it is a Riptide. Was built for 99% fishing and then painted to keep the wife happy[emoji23] They are a very capable vessel.
    That’s interesting Smithy that they are called poulet, but yes they were very tasty.


    Sent from my iPhone using Ausfish forums
    The wait is finally over.........was worth every minute..........let the RIPTIDE rip..........hell yehhhh

  10. #10
    Ausfish Bronze Member OcciferNick's Avatar
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    Jan 2008
    Caloundra (Aura)

    Re: Flamin ripper trip

    Great report
    Ive been really keen to try some deeper water and would love to catch a bar cod so it’s good to hear that they are easy to find and catch haha
    “Filthy Oar”
    Stessl 5.3m centre console
    90hp Suzuki

  11. #11

    Re: Flamin ripper trip

    Quote Originally Posted by Crunchy View Post
    Cool read... I actually thought it might have been trevor who provided flame mark...
    I wish [emoji16]

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  12. #12

    Re: Flamin ripper trip

    What bait were you using Lee?
    I typically use mullet deep-drop

    Sent from my [device_name] using Ausfish mobile app


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