Slipped in a quick fish on friday , was sloppy and light rain so not the best but i was seriously hangin out for a fishing fix.
Slipped in a quick fish on friday , was sloppy and light rain so not the best but i was seriously hangin out for a fishing fix.
Not bad for a quick fish
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yeah they were on the chew , time the tide change just right and they were on from the first drop, probably only had baits in for about 4 hrs. lost some to the tax man as well. so a good session reallly.
Top report and cstch BigE. No doubt you were out from Caloundra again. SS
Sent from my LG-H815 using Ausfish mobile app
Well done mate - a nice feed there.
There are my wife's favourite the VTF Venus Tuskfish
Plenty of the yellow striped things too - heven't seen so many off Caloundra but pleny further North - Hussar are abundant off Noosa
Thanks for posting
I cop a bit of flack BigE for publicly stating hussar are one of my favourite fish, & super quick to clean & skin. Everyone bangs on about them just being used for red emperor bait. Funny, spoke to Greg Lamprecht & he said he has never caught & gutted a red emperor with a hussar in it