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Thread: Speedo Trauma

  1. #16
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
    Gold Coast

    Re: Speedo Trauma

    Love this site!

    So much useful help........

    However to maintain fleet equilibrium the podded Stessl tinny has been replaced by another tinny, a circa '88 Express with a Yamaha with a blocked speedo in the lower leg. It does not have a hole to suit an AP so not happening.

    If an autopilot was being installed anywhere around here it would be in the Vagabond.
    What could go wrong.......................

  2. #17

    Re: Speedo Trauma

    Sooooo what you are telling us is you are after a good deal on a multiple autopilot purchase 😂😂

  3. #18
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Jun 2006
    Gold Coast

    Re: Speedo Trauma

    After I bought a second hand 3600 kg winch and mounted it I don't think she,who common sense tell me to listen to, is going to agree to that idea!
    What could go wrong.......................

  4. #19

    Re: Speedo Trauma

    Quote Originally Posted by Chimo View Post
    After I bought a second hand 3600 kg winch and mounted it I don't think she,who common sense tell me to listen to, is going to agree to that idea!
    She'll be right...….just tell her we said you could. What could go wrong

  5. #20
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Gold Coast

    Re: Speedo Trauma

    Might work for you

    Not sure at this end tho.
    What could go wrong.......................

  6. #21

    Re: Speedo Trauma

    get on the net, research all the positives of an AP, canvas auasfishers here for reasons as well. i'm sure if you tried it would come to pass.

  7. #22

    Re: Speedo Trauma

    Quote Originally Posted by Chimo View Post
    Might work for you

    Not sure at this end tho.
    ………….I'll take my chances with your missus. Do you think I'm stupids or sumptin. Mine's scary...…..and doing stuff like that tends to cost me a new couch or bedroom suite or car or holiday - none of those were in the budget.

  8. #23

    Re: Speedo Trauma

    Quote Originally Posted by Dignity View Post
    get on the net, research all the positives of an AP, canvas auasfishers here for reasons as well. i'm sure if you tried it would come to pass.
    "It's a replacement speedo sweetheart - cause the other one was faulty. It was on special - I saved us heaps"

  9. #24
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Gold Coast

    Re: Speedo Trauma

    Simple answer to that as first heard uttered by a mate of mine when his wife came home with a pair of really expensive leather boots;
    "How much can we afford to save?"
    What could go wrong.......................

  10. #25

    Re: Speedo Trauma

    I'm pretty happy to see this thread has nothing to do with issues relating to budgie smugglers.

  11. #26
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Oct 2005

    Re: Speedo Trauma

    How does one check what kind of Speedo I have, mine has stopped working, I just used the gps one yesterday instead but would fix if I can. I have a 1996 carabean cobra with a 1994 mercury 90hp 2 stroke can get model if needed

  12. #27

    Re: Speedo Trauma

    Follow the tube/wire back from the gauge. It will either go to the outboard or a separate water pressure pick up or a speed sensor (paddlewheel in a small plastic bracket). The other option is it will finish in the middle of nowhere if it's been disconnected - which is not unusual.

  13. #28
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Oct 2005

    Re: Speedo Trauma

    Cheers scottar, ill check it out this weekend

  14. #29
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Gold Coast

    Re: Speedo Trauma

    Back to the question: " How much money can we afford to save?"

    The answer is heaps.

    I weakened and decided to act on the advice of a local who sells motors and electronics and reckoned that a separate stand alone pitot sender would make the Yamaha speedo work.

    Well OK Off to buy a pitot sender and tubing to connect it to the yamaha joiner on the motor leg.

    Tried the big W mob who have pitot senders on special for $20 something dollars but dont sell tubing for same. Go to an aquarium place they suggest...........

    SO hit the puter and did a bit of a search and came up with RTM (Road Tech Marine) Never heard of them! thinks I
    Anyhoo in a plain cardboard box they sell a pitot sender, 20 ft of the 6 mm tube and a bunch of screws and clamp fittings for the all up price of $14. something.

    Bought it, fitted it and gave it a try and bugger me it works.

    So endeth the saga / trauma except to say check out the range and prices at this mob for boating 4 wdrive gear as well as caravan gear etc

    Thanks to all for advice, comments and general input.

    What could go wrong.......................

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