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Thread: Round boat rego.

  1. #1

    Round boat rego.

    I've seen these round rego stickers.
    Really like the look of them
    Anyone have an idea where to get them done?
    I did get a quote for $150+gst. But thought that was a bit pricey, and it's a bit of a hike for me anyway......
    I've seen them for $60-$85 a pair, but you install yourself.
    Wouldn't mind getting someone who knows what they're doing to install, as it's 50/50 me messing it up.
    Anyone know of a place, Brissie north side?
    Photo attached of a boat that i saw on facebook that I have seen them on, looks shit hot (if it's your boat, good job).FB_IMG_1548235421999.jpg

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  2. #2

    Re: Round boat rego.

    Isn't the law in QLD that the rego numbers are at the stern on the side? like NSW has them on the side at the bow, the older Victorian ones were round like that, and they still could be, can't say I have noticed what newer Vic boats have.

  3. #3

    Re: Round boat rego.

    think there is a place in victoria , order online and can get what you want, they do look good on hulls, maybe was to do with commercial style rego but now its available to john smith, do a google search, i got my names from them , it was a name with two layers giving the shadow look, definetly get a second helper to put it on with you , once they stick , theyre stuck .

  4. #4

    Re: Round boat rego.

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    Isn't the law in QLD that the rego numbers are at the stern on the side? like NSW has them on the side at the bow, the older Victorian ones were round like that, and they still could be, can't say I have noticed what newer Vic boats have.
    I was under the same impression, but the website doesn't specify.
    Copy/pasted below.

    Once registered, you will get registration numbers allocated to your boat and a registration label.
    You must display registration numbers so they can be read from 30m away and in a contrasting colour to the hull of the boat. The size of the registration numbers depends on the type of boat:

    Boats capable of planing—at least 150mm high on both sides.

    Boats not capable of planing—at least 75mm high on both sides or the stern.

    PWCs— must be at least 100mm high and on both sides.

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  5. #5

    Re: Round boat rego.

    Seems like they might have changed the wording then for QLD, unless there is a "secret" bit hidden somewhere, just browsed the NSW site and they still state on the bow, and a minimum size, plus be read from left to right, so, I guess (maybe) that leaves a round one out for NSW, because you are reading it left to right, AND two lines?

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