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Thread: Discoloured rub rail

  1. #16

    Re: Discoloured rub rail

    Quote Originally Posted by catshark View Post
    so after you acetone it, would you follow up with a polish or sealant perhaps, havent seen this pink color before, then again all my previous boats had the older black rubber look, now their using white more today
    Haven't had to touch mine. The boats storage has changed though from outdoors with the previous owner to living in a shed. Whether that makes any difference I couldn't say.

  2. #17
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Discoloured rub rail

    is it possible that side of the boat gets more sun exposure?

  3. #18
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Discoloured rub rail

    Last night got home and went to have a look and amazingly the majority of it has gone. I've done nothing since that little trial with Acetone on about 200mm of it. What I think has happened is the sun has killed the mold.

    So boat lives under a tarp, the port side is closest to a hedge and the starboard there is nothing except the house which is about 2m away. The boat has been under a tarp for a few weeks maybe 3 and when I lifted the tarp thats what I found. Very strange it didn't happen on the port side.
    I was at Whitworths looking at different cleaning products and the guy mentioned it looked like epoxy overspray but (and especially now) I feel its pink mould. I'm going fishing tomorrow so I'm hoping that the sun will kill off the remainder of it. I'll also hit it with some vinegar before I go. Vinegar is what I've used in the past to kill mould off life jackets so hopefully that will fix it.

    The Starboard side gets more sun exposure when the tarp is off.

  4. #19

    Re: Discoloured rub rail

    Neiter vinegar nor bleach will kill mould only remove it, to kill the spores you need clove oil, you only need about a 5% solution at most,

  5. #20
    Ausfish Platinum Member BigE's Avatar
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    Jul 2004

    Re: Discoloured rub rail

    Like Dignity has said , clove oil and vinegar (not together ) I am amazed at what white vinegar will move and the clove oil will kill any mold spore.

    Try white vinegar on ant rusty bolt ( fined the worst one you can fine ) cover in white vinegar solution for about 2 weeks then pressure wash really amazing

    good rust stains on FG as well.

  6. #21
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Discoloured rub rail

    huh no worries will get some clove oil

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