Gday guys, just a pretty disappointing report from today. Left home at 4.30am to hit a dead flat but shallow bar at 5.00am. Headed straight out about 35km on a pretty flat seato some 65m country. Pulled 1 nice snapper and 1 nice pearly on the first drop. This looked promising. Then nothing, wind was about 10kt and everything looked good. We continued out to the 100m line for nil. Out to the trusty old barcod ground in 210m. Never really let us down yet. Sounding, sounding , sounding, bang, here they are!!!!! Baits deployed and baits returned untouched. What’s going on???Baits deployed again, baits returned untouched!!! This is not good. That was fresh Yakka which always works, good quality mullet, which also always works. Let’s try frozen squid and fresh whiting frames. ZZZZZZZZZZ, there goes 130m of line on a heavy drag in under 30 seconds. Crikey wind the drag to max because that is not really something we would want and I don’t want to lose all the line. Snap!!!!!! I thought it had let go at the trace however the line let go with 50m of braid still out???? Not sure what happened there. I am thinking way to fast for a shark but??? Rerig and back on with the squid. Game on, first cod in the box. Let’s try that again. #2 in the box then the offsides put one in also.
That was it, as quickly as it heated up it died off. Not another fish. Wind was a solid 20+ knots by now so we tried a couple of spots on the way in for nil.
Total 3 barcod, 1 pearly and 1 snapper. All quality fish but no trophies so no pics. Pretty hard going for the few fish we got. Still good to be out but.
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