The power station is a gas fired one …..
Just a heads up ….. bloody good muddies up near the power station - I know a young bloke who fishes / crabs down there a bit .
The power station is a gas fired one …..
Just a heads up ….. bloody good muddies up near the power station - I know a young bloke who fishes / crabs down there a bit .
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
There is quite a few muddies in the lake, if you set up the feeder creeks you will get a few, after decent rain you will get them out in the main lake in Blue Swimmer nets/traps, we get some decent ones, I think I might have a photo of one my son got recently.
Blue Swimmer (Sandies) are a bit quiet this year, still can get your bag limit, but they are a bit slow, nice size though.
Nice Muddy that one, personally i never caught a decent sized Whiting in the lake and maybe due to the fact that i didnt own a Boat till later in life . But last visit to the region i purchased some Whiting from Shellharbour Shopping Centre as they were Huge !! and couldnt resist.
Was told they came from the Lake and were not uncommon now that the Lake is supposedly managed by the Comercial sector who have been reduced in number in the lake .
True or False i dont know , but those Whiting were a feast lol.
Modern LED battery underwater lights have revolutionised prawning, the last 4-5 years there has been next to no prawns in the lake, even the pros were getting tiny catches, whereas previous years saw got catches for the "scoopers" the channel around the bridge was just a sea of lights with people wading around, here's a picture of a Blue Swimmer I got last summer, still way below our family record though
That's 660mm nipper tip to nipper tip, my best was a 68, my son got a 97, but the family record, nipper tip to nipper tip is......wait for it 102cm, yep, that over a metre, I reckon that will never be broken.
Once upon a time there was a tavern
Where we used to raise a glass or two
Remember how we laughed away the hours
And think of all the great things we would do
Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la La la la la la la
Then the busy years went rushing by us
We lost our starry notions on the way
If by chance I'd see you in the tavern
We'd smile at one another and we'd say
Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
Those were…
Lol , still reckon we had the better years ey..
Noel you dont by any chance remember a Boat marine dealer in Figtree do you ??.
Yep, dealer at Figtree was Wyles Marine, Peter Wyles, and later his son Chris took over, it closed years ago, Chris moved it to North Wollongong and sold out a long time ago, he has a tyre place at Figtree nearly in the same place as the boat shop was, that was the first time I ever saw a Seafarer Viking at his shop.
The uncle had one side blacked out with a home made shield and would hang it around his neck and hold it off a bit.Lastime I was down there he still had a primus type one,
I had no idea there were crabs in there like that......I actually didn't know there were crabs in there at all.I always assumed the place would be barren considering the population.
Purchased my first new boat there. 16ft Stacer which ended up all the way up here when I first moved here, after trading in a 14ft Brooker witha 28 HP Chrysler .
That Brooker had some nice Jew , Snapper , Trag , n Huge Bream come over the side fishing just back of the breakers off Conno Beach ey.
Coniston beach is still fished regularly for Jew, I think they must come out of the ?Harbour because there's plenty in there, but it's hard to fish in the harbour because of the shipping and you get kicked out, all of the wharves are locked, so unless you work there, you can't get out to fish them, but if you have a boat you can still sneak around and catch Jew around the jetties before you get chased away.
There is a few places that good Snapper are caught off the rocks, but most are by people who know what they are doing, Bass Point has a couple of good spots, Barrack Point has a couple, never heard of any consistently from Windang, but they have been caught there at times of course. The whole area still fishes OK for the "thinkers" like everywhere I guess, plenty of good Flathead for the drifters out in the ocean, Kingfish are a bit slow, not like the "old days" where a 15KG fish didn't raise an eyebrow, I consider myself blessed to have fished a few decades ago, when a catch of Snapper was taken for granted, Kingfish were common and Yellowfin Tuna could be caught regularly just offshore, a pretty "famous" place off Shellharbour called the Church Ground is only about 1K offshore and big Kingfish, Yellowfin and Marlin were common catches there, it still fires now and then. A big trip for us used to be to "the banks" off Greenwell Point, that was a mission fishing there, no GPS to find the place, these days it's driven straight over to fish out wide, trailer boats regularly out well over the shelf, trolling in excess of 1,000 fathoms!
Last edited by Noelm; 19-02-2019 at 09:01 AM. Reason: typo