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Need advise for buying my first boat
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Thread: Need advise for buying my first boat

  1. #1

    Need advise for buying my first boat

    My first post but very much the reason why I got here in the first place! Very keen to go to sea (bay) and fish. I am located in South East Suburbs of Melbourne and will be launching at Pattersons lake Have an extended family so keen to have a boat which can accommodate at least 7 & preferably 8 (If I am taking out over 6 people it will be for cruise for a very short while - few hours. For fishing it's likely to be just 2 or 3 at any given time.)So I guess I am better off keeping the boat out of water and avoid cost of moor/ regular hull maintenance?Have a 2015 Prado Diesel to tow so limited to 2.5 Tons. So list of bare minimums :
    7/8 people = Good seating capability for them
    Higher end of permissible Horse Power (so don’t end up with an underpowered boat)
    Good fish-finder with big display (to cater for ageing eyesight) & stowing of fishing gear
    I would like to restrict my budget to 40K though I could push it slightly if there was major benefit in doing that
    Not sure if it needs to be a metal or Glass
    Thanks for your advise in advance!
    Last edited by salthorse; 12-02-2019 at 05:07 PM. Reason: Updated based on advise

  2. #2
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Re: Need advise for buying my first boat

    As a starting point :-
    Where are you located?
    Prices vary a fair bit depending on where you looking to buy.
    $ 40 k sounds a bit low given the needs you want met IMHO

    No doubt you should get some good suggestions on here

    What could go wrong.......................

  3. #3

    Re: Need advise for buying my first boat

    Thanks for the tip. Located in South East Suburbs of Melbourne and will be launching at Pattersons lake. (added to the first post too)

  4. #4

    Re: Need advise for buying my first boat

    Be pretty hard to find a boat with seating for 7-8 and if you do find one, there won't be much room for anything else.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member ben475's Avatar
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    Re: Need advise for buying my first boat

    It sounds like your going to want a pretty big tub to be comfortable with 7-8 on board for any decent length of time.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Feb 2013

    Re: Need advise for buying my first boat

    hey mate , sounds like you want to take a few out for a fish, 7-8 people and your looking into 6mtr plus boat minimum. As glass boats can be pricey in this size perhaps a good alternative for room and ecomony etc . would be something like a big Quintrex bowrider millienium hull, you can distribute people all thru the boat, you dont want 7 people down the back ......they nice and wide and very popular with familys...outboard power rating reckon you need to see past 150 HP to carry the family..

  7. #7

    Re: Need advise for buying my first boat

    By Victorian law, 5.5 to 6 metres can only carry a max of 7 (unless the manufacturer states otherwise) . The Quintrex 650 Bowrider has a basic safe capacity of 8 on their website. It will be a crowded little tub though and with that much weight on board I would be thinking smooth water only.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Bronze Member hweebe's Avatar
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    Re: Need advise for buying my first boat

    When u say 7/8 people are we talking adults? Children and will they all be fishing. Reason I ask is it will be very different size boat if Not everyone is fishing.

  9. #9

    Re: Need advise for buying my first boat

    I'm a newbie boatie myself, so can't give you any advice here, but from my limited experience:

    1) I bought myself a brand new 6m glass boat that is rated for 6 Adults, realistically more than 3 feels crowded. In fact 4 Adults is the absolute maximum I would ever want to see in this boat (that's including myself).

    2) Recently went on 8m charters boat, there were 6 of us there (7 with the captain) and I would say that was a comfortable maximum. Sure, you could squize more people, but it would become uncomfortable for everyone.

    3) So if you want to have 7/8 adults comfortably, then we are talking 7-8m boat, then $40k imo is very limited budget.

    4) large screen electronics is very expensive and you are not going to see it in a low budget large boat.

    Reduce the number of people requirement to 5-6 and you are looking at many more options within your budget. Good luck!

  10. #10

  11. #11
    Free Membership Dirtyfuzz's Avatar
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    Re: Need advise for buying my first boat

    I like the look of that triumph!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Mercury 115ct going strong😁

  12. #12
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    May 2013

    Re: Need advise for buying my first boat

    Quote Originally Posted by salthorse View Post
    Good fish-finder with big display (to cater for ageing eyesight) ...
    When you look at fishfinders, consider a fishfinder/GPS combo.
    Maps (software) are expensive so include that in your budget.

    If you look at second hand rigs especially, check trailer is rated to carry the actual load. As a startjng point the trailer will probably will have a capacity label on chassis somewhere (and govt rego renewal may do as well).

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    Transire vinus forticulus

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Feb 2013

    Re: Need advise for buying my first boat

    triump looks good, love the bubba's boat test videos on these boats, cant sink em .

  14. #14

    Re: Need advise for buying my first boat

    Thanks a ton for some great advs. I think I haven't conveyed my requirements correctly and that has caused the confusion. If I am taking out 6 people it will be for cruise for a very short while - few hours. For fishing it's likely to be just 2 or 3 at any given time. So I guess I am better off keeping the boat out of water and avoid cost of moor/ regular hull maintenance?

  15. #15

    Re: Need advise for buying my first boat

    This will need to be a substantial boat - 7-8m Anything with cabin will make it crowded with 6-8 people . If it has rear seats (folding) with 4 people sitting back there - then you will need a pretty big motor on the back as well (200-250hp). ....... Budget will force you to an older boat / motor combination and the potential reliability issues. It's a big ask

    Being in Victoria an open boat isn't ideal - but I cant see beyond a bowrider style boat or possibly a center cabin (ideal)

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

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