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Thread: burrum heads

  1. #1

    burrum heads

    we are heading up to burrum heads middle of febuary for a weeks break
    anyone with any tips on what is happening up there, re prawns, grunter beam or other species in river or outside reports
    I have heard the prawns will be about if rain eventually comes, and also mackeral will be around outside, but that's all I know atm
    thanks in advance

  2. #2

    burrum heads

    Spotties are hanging really close to Fraser at the moment between Wathumba and Station Hill
    Plenty of long tails and bait also between 25 fathom and the Gutters was a fair few Nanigai at 8 mile over New Year but all undersized don’t have any idea about the river don’t fish it but the wind has been pretty annoying in the bay for the last couple of months so hopefully it goes away soon

    Sent from my iPhone using Ausfish forums

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