Hi All
After just spending a week or so in the Whitsundays ( camping on Whitsunday Island) & getting smashed every day by those horrible SE winds - I was curious as to when members consider to be the ideal time to go boating in Central / north Queensland.
Now I know that weather is always in the hands of the gods but I planned this last trip looking at the historical records of wind direction & velocity - December / Jan should have seen northerly / north easterly winds as the prevailing direction - 2/3rds of the time. Historically cyclones don't generally hit till late January ……. but we had one go through prior to Christmas & one was forming around New Year - We really got it wrong.
Anyways - The plan was to arrange another trip sometime after April but I thought I would pull back on the reigns a little and listen to what you guys would be thinking
Once again the trip will be boat based camping on an island (Yeppoon , Mackay , Whitsundays).