Bloody holiday season, brings out all the dickheads, I only reluctantly go out due to visitors etc wanting to go fishing.
So I'm fishing in Pumistone with a mate in one of my favourite areas flicking towards the bank when this boat comes racing towards us at full bore and goes between us and the bank, the two guys smile at us as they go past. 20m later slow down to about 20 kph while one of them throws a crab pot into the mangroves then go zooming off and around the corner. Now this spot will be high and dry at low tide so I am supposing they'll be back before then or will wait till tomorrow to come back to collect it. Our immediate thought was to go and pick it up and lodge the pot in the trees so that any marine life caught in it wouldn't cook at low tide but we resisted being good law abiding citizens.
Prior to that we came across a couple of guys trying to squelch their boat back into deep water, we did mention they'd be fine as they were stirring the mud up too much for the bull sharks and stingrays to find them then pointed out where the channel was, that it only ran for about another 30m past us before it was mud and weeds all around. Now they get into the channel, go around us and start heading towards the shallows again, we're just sitting there dumbfounded. Out they get again and push their way back and as they pass us say "I guess we should have listened to you.
The other day I counted 27 crab pots that were either exposed or would be exposed at low tide and any marine life in them would cook in the sun. Maybe these guys are lazy and want precooked crab.