our 2018 spirit of adventure charter is now history, but it was one for the record books! #the biggest thing we had to deal with was hurricane sergio slamming into the center of baja on day four of our trip. #before the trip, everyone was asking what we were going to do and i had no idea. #at some point, you just have to trust the skipper and hope he has a plan. #at the end, we had 15 bluefin, 10 wahoo, a dozen dorado, a hundred yellowtail and more yellowfin than we knew what to do with. #we had swill88 joining us for the first time, only to almost lose him overboard. #we had tomas almost losing his pants. #and we had almost everyone down with the georgia flu! #yup, it was epic!
monday - october 9th, day zero
bryan and i drove down together and stopped off at okuma to see john bretza, then continued the drive down highway 15 to san diego. #once in san diego, we made a quick stop at angler's choice to buy a half dozen fluorescent flat falls for san clemente blue fin. #we figured we would be heading north for a few days to avoid the hurricane that was threatening the baja coast. #we checked into the vagabond, then met up with everyone for dinner at miguel's.
we were getting pretty lit. #no surprise there. #
after that, we stopped off at the marina bar. #skill at pool is a sure sign of a misspent youth.
tuesday, october 10th, 2018 - day 1
everyone started lining up early. #most of the paperwork for the trip was done, but i was still scrambling to figure out the few last details about rod storage on the boat and cabin assignments.
everything made it on board, except for wai's reels. #somehow he left his reel bag at home. #trust me, though. #i would be the last to be critical of that mistake!
our chef for this trip will be david. #on the menu for tonight's dinner is pork ribs, corn and baked beans. #
meet bryan, wai, lee, georgia mike and darren.
we tried fishing flat falls at night at san clemente but did not hook up. #most turned in early.
wednesday, october 10th, 2018 - day 2
leave it to brendan to start things out.
ed got a nice one.
lee hooked up on a nice one but took too long and it eventually spit the hook.
we had 9 bluefin, all before lunch, then things slowed down. #lunch was actually pretty good!
i picked up one fish later, but that was pretty much it for the day.