Gday guys, just a quick report from Noosa on the weekend. Hit the bar at 0530 Saturday with a 15-20 knot Sou Easterly easing in the afternoon predicted. Checked live reports of DI and Cape Moreton to see it was easing from stringer overnight so expected an ordinary trip out but it should get better. Yeh it was pretty breezy but very workable. Arrived at the Hards for some good shows but little biting. The current was good so after a quick fish for a bit of a rest, we continued to the Loren G wreck and once again, good shows with little result. Continued deeper, 220m, little current and lots of looking to find fish, small shows only and just pickers with a couple of small high fin snapper. Worked 20km north of the Hards to find the current unfishable. At 5.00pm the call was made to head back to the Hards to an area I was told the snapper would bite on dark. Found a spot to camp, anchored up and after the sun was gone, the fish came on!!!!! Quality snapper!!!! Ended up with 2 oversize and 10 between 60-68cm. I have never had the opportunity to be so picky as to what was kept.
Went to bed with 7 quality snapper expecting the morning bite to be similar which it was. Wind blew nor nor westerly all night and the morning sea was pretty flat. First drop saw the quality snapper were still on. Topped up the bag and let plenty more go. Hard to throw back 60cm snapper when some trips they are the best fish. Back to noosa at 55km/h on a dead flat sea.
I just hope one day I can replicate this trip.