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Barwon Banks Tuesday / Wednesday
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Thread: Barwon Banks Tuesday / Wednesday

  1. #1

    Barwon Banks Tuesday / Wednesday

    Gday guys, just interested to hear if much has been caught recently out around the banks? I haven’t fished them for a couple of years and thought I should give them a crack again. Leaving Caloundra at 6.00am ish Tuesday to stay the night if the weather is reasonable or head home around the 8.00pm high tide if we are sick of getting belted. Anyone else thinking of heading out? We will probably fish the 100m ground south of the banks then maybe the 200/300m stuff on the way up to the banks.
    Give us a call “One Piece” on vhf 21.


    Sent from my iPhone using Ausfish mobile app
    The wait is finally over.........was worth every minute..........let the RIPTIDE rip..........hell yehhhh

  2. #2

    Re: Barwon Banks Tuesday / Wednesday

    I fished the top end of the banks about 2 months ago and it was good, the usual bag of snapper and pearlies for this time of year. a few trag out on the 90m ledge and then moved in to the shallower stuff chasing tuskies and moses. Also some big amberjack getting around.
    Im off work from friday for 3 weeks so hopefully getting out amongst them again myself.
    Good luck and let us know how you get on.

  3. #3

    Re: Barwon Banks Tuesday / Wednesday

    Thanks Tom, I’ll post a report, looks like it might be a little sloppy so that could make it difficult if they are not real hungry.


    Sent from my iPhone using Ausfish forums
    The wait is finally over.........was worth every minute..........let the RIPTIDE rip..........hell yehhhh

  4. #4

    Re: Barwon Banks Tuesday / Wednesday

    Best of luck Lee, wish I could come with you but surgeon rang me this morning to see how I was progressing (I'm hanging onto this guy,really looks after his patients) and told me better off waiting another week or more. I'll get out there yet.

  5. #5

    Re: Barwon Banks Tuesday / Wednesday

    Good to hear some progress Sam. Probably wouldn’t be a good trip to try your injury out, I think it’s going to be a bit messy. I’ll let you know how we go. Plan will be to hit the 100m straight up then work our way up the banks. If the wind doesn’t die out, I think we may end up back camping in the passage in the late evening.

    Sent from my iPhone using Ausfish forums
    The wait is finally over.........was worth every minute..........let the RIPTIDE rip..........hell yehhhh

  6. #6

    Re: Barwon Banks Tuesday / Wednesday

    one of mymates has been fishing wide Caloundra lately and cleaning up on the snapps..most on plasstics but
    9/ 2016-8/2017 crab count
    604 sandies
    7 muddie
    0 rock crab
    0 coral crab

  7. #7

    Re: Barwon Banks Tuesday / Wednesday

    Cheers Rosco, I head over some good country on cal wide to get to the deeper water. I might stop and have a look. I have always been keen to get into the plastics but it hasn’t happened for me yet[emoji15]


    Sent from my iPhone using Ausfish forums
    The wait is finally over.........was worth every minute..........let the RIPTIDE rip..........hell yehhhh

  8. #8

    Re: Barwon Banks Tuesday / Wednesday

    Gday guys, very brief report. Left Caloundra at 7.00am in torrential rain and a bit of a breeze[emoji15] Tried for some live bait at 3 different shipping beacons for nil. Headed to wide Caloundra in sloppy seas and heavy rain. First drop nice snapper and pearly. Next drift and drop 2 nice parrot. This looks great we are thinking.
    Well after 160km and 200 odd litres of fuel, we ended up with 1 snapper, 3 parrot and 1 pearly.

    Very ordinary conditions, not even a bite over the whole banks area. Great shows of fish but no bites. Came back in on dark.

    Very wet and weary from the ordinary conditions. Hope next time is better


    Sent from my iPhone using Ausfish forums
    The wait is finally over.........was worth every minute..........let the RIPTIDE rip..........hell yehhhh

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member TREVELLY's Avatar
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    Apr 2010

    Re: Barwon Banks Tuesday / Wednesday

    You did it pretty tough mate.
    I have been Caloundra wide a few times and managed pearlie bag but no snapper about 60-70m line
    I did a couple of trips to Barwons and in the shallower stuff got a few tuskies and deeper got a few small snapper and pearlies
    No show stoppers but usually 6-8 fish per person per trip
    Attachment 117813Attachment 117814Attachment 117815
    Thanks for your report


  10. #10

    Re: Barwon Banks Tuesday / Wednesday

    Lee thanks for the report. What was the current like in the deeper water?
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Barwon Banks Tuesday / Wednesday

    Thanks for the report lee
    Any report is better than none lot of fuel for very little reward mate
    happy days ahead summer is coming

  12. #12

    Re: Barwon Banks Tuesday / Wednesday

    No current to speak of at all Lovey, the wind made it difficult but.

    Yeh plenty of fuel JSM, pretty slow and hard travelling

    Sent from my iPhone using Ausfish forums
    The wait is finally over.........was worth every minute..........let the RIPTIDE rip..........hell yehhhh

  13. #13

    Re: Barwon Banks Tuesday / Wednesday

    Quote Originally Posted by Any_Weather View Post
    No current to speak of at all Lovey, the wind made it difficult but.

    Yeh plenty of fuel JSM, pretty slow and hard travelling

    Sent from my iPhone using Ausfish forums
    Lee, I've been finding that a day or so either side or on the full moon or new moon the current slows right down and fishing becomes just that bit harder. Find the right bite time and you can get a few but outside that it is hard yakka.

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