Yep I nearly got run over by a ship in the dead of night on shelf off Moreton - I had flood lights lighting more than 100m about the boat.
Pitch black night 12.30am 300M+ ship coming directly at me doing over 40kph - got out of it's way with less than 100m to spare.
One hour later same ship returning at about 50-100m off direct hit - I do a runner again
Then one hours later third time and only again about 100m off my course it goes past again.
Had I not been up and about I was dead first pass.
Yes I do not know why it went past 3 times (I left after 3 times btw)
No I am not trying to become famous for a ship nearly running me over as some idiots have suggested
Yes I have better things to do than make up stupid stories or exaggerate.
Added radar to boat and will also add a radar reflector
Pic of ship on second pass
Attachment 117768