Decision reversed today, sanity prevailed.
Oops, thought I had a link
Decision reversed today, sanity prevailed.
Oops, thought I had a link
The green tree frog has lead the charge with his deck of misinformation
This is a great result and shows what motivated fishoes can achieve ….. that said , I doubt the fight is over
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
Yes, a win in any form is a win. But I somehow think it has alot to do with how the Libs are slowly internally combusting and it's a more of a move to shore up and limiting voters revolt with what is going on in Canberra.
The same can be said about RC into elderly abuse. How long have people been wanting this, and it happen at a time they need every vote possible.
Humility is not a weather condition.
I for one never thought this would be the outcome.
Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.
The only 2 things in life that matters to politician world wide. Voters and Money, everything else is fodder for the masses.
Humility is not a weather condition.
They could go some ways to turning things around by starting with the flicking of Andrew Constance. We have had some absolute horrors in politics in NSW that is for sure but in the incompetence category this bloke is in a class all of his own, dead set daylight second to this impostor of a state MP. And yes that was a kind summation.
And if the Libs were proposing this can you imagine how much worse it would be with a Green sympathetic Labor government in power!!!
That Fields guy is out of control, I got banned on his FB site for a comment that didn't agree with his greens mantra.The reactions now are just gold but it aint done till its done. Seems to be the same crap regurgitated by government, greens, conservation societies as the crap we went through in Moreton Bay. Years later I'm still shaking my head at the zone up to top of the bay in the Wild Banks area to persevere the sand habitat in the highest flowing tide area in SEQ.
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
the reaction from fields, the bitter pill they have to swallow , knowing they got their ass kicked , im laughing and if he ever sets foot in my hood, ill be going to buy a tin of beetroot and a can opener and whoops im so clumsy , let this stain highlight the corruption that is unfolding.