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Thread: Stop the lockout

  1. #1

    Stop the lockout

    Hi All

    As some of you might be aware a proposal for 25 new marine parks is being considered between Wollongong & Newcastle Including the Sydney coastline - That's like 25 between the Gold Coast & Sunshine Coast .

    We certainly don't need any more & certainly taking out some of the most popular locations for fishing - what is more annoying is that the fisheries minister is on the record stating that doing a proper scientific study would be too expensive & in the end it's just lines on a map.

    We really cant let them get away with this- No science & no need … just pandering to a small minority.

    I have no doubt that this will be some kind of litmus test to one expand marine parks in NSW & for other states to propose their own .

    There is serious momentum building against this proposal with the "Stop the lockout" FB page nearing near to 60,000 members in just a matter of weeks - I'd like to see more .

    Joining the FB site would be really helpful & filling out the questionnaire even better. (link provided)

    We need your help

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  2. #2

    Re: Stop the lockout

    It's pretty contentious alright, and it's right in my backyard, one of the "proposed" zones is very popular with fishers, divers and so on (I can see the area from my house) how this will pan out is anyone's guess, I read somewhere that some sort of survey was conducted with rather strange wording, mentioning Dolphin and Whale habitat, so most uneducated participants of course said yes. My biggest fear is that like most of these things, people just say it's an outrage, but because it's not in their immediate area, just shrug it off, "we" do not have a united voice.

  3. #3

    Re: Stop the lockout

    OH, and I am not saying that most don't do their best on these issues, but, most green zones seem to just appear, then expand and multiply in different places, so no one huge population is affected at once, "divide and conquer"

  4. #4

    Re: Stop the lockout

    Here is an old photo of a Whale taken from my place, that whole area (5 Islands) to the right is the zone in question, and it continues along the coast for miles.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  5. #5

    Re: Stop the lockout

    Damn IPad, it's upside down again, can't rotate it.

  6. #6

    Re: Stop the lockout

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    Damn IPad, it's upside down again, can't rotate it.
    There ya go Noelm.

    Noelm upside down..jpg

  7. #7

    Re: Stop the lockout

    Done Nagg !!

  8. #8

    Re: Stop the lockout

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    Damn IPad, it's upside down again, can't rotate it.
    Isn't there a button at the bottom of the page that optimise those odd devices like Ipads,

  9. #9

    Re: Stop the lockout

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    It's pretty contentious alright, and it's right in my backyard, one of the "proposed" zones is very popular with fishers, divers and so on (I can see the area from my house) how this will pan out is anyone's guess, I read somewhere that some sort of survey was conducted with rather strange wording, mentioning Dolphin and Whale habitat, so most uneducated participants of course said yes. My biggest fear is that like most of these things, people just say it's an outrage, but because it's not in their immediate area, just shrug it off, "we" do not have a united voice.
    I lived in Windang for nearly two years & loved fishing the areas that are being proposed down your way. These were some of the most accessible for small boat owners & yet …… they are the first to get locked down. I posed a question - how many offshore island in NSW do not have some form of lockout associated with them ? …….

    I thought this was a thread worth putting up because it's ramifications would be widespread …… & the last thing we want is for pollies who are pandering to the green vote feel that they have widespread acceptance .
    There are pollies & green groups saying that there is 90%+ support from the wider community in these proposals - this is an absolute lie & why we need to demonstrate that this is a rubbish proposal supported by a small percentage of the community.

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  10. #10

    Re: Stop the lockout

    This should get everyones blood boiling

    Written by Sydney Fishing guide - Craig McGill

    With the absence of any site-specific science, no baseline studies and, in my opinion, the impartiality of at least some of the MEMA panellists in question, what this ‘consultation’ process basically amounts to is a convoluted polling system. Make no mistake, in light of the events of the last 2 weeks, your submission will amount to nothing more than a vote. Nevertheless,we must flood them with votes and give them plenty to read.
    At a meeting this week, hosted by Maritime and with DPI representatives present, I put forward the question as to the security of the online submission process and whether it was open to Australian citizens only. I framed the question in reference to the recent Fishing World poll hack.
    The answer the question of security didn’t surprise me, -- “we are concerned about it”. Fair enough, we are all concerned about it. If the US military can get hacked, then I’m sure MEMA shouldn’t pose any great problems.
    The next bit floored me. Turns out that the consultation process is open to the world. The opinion was expressed by DPI that ‘if a tourist comes to Australia and utilizes the marine estate (be it fishing, diving etc) then shouldn’t they be entitled to make a submission ?. .
    I personally find it outrageous --- the suggestion that a non-Australian citizen, living OS, could have a say in something that is going to affect my livelihood, the livelihood of hundreds of businesses, Australian residence recreation and way of life and the management of our natural resources.
    If you reverse the situation, how do you think an American, for example, would react.?

    This is from MEMA's privacy statement
    ‘The Marine Estate Management Authority may publish your submission unless you advise otherwise.
    Publication of submissions will usually include your name and the name of your organisation, if relevant. The Authority will remove contact details such as your email address, postal address and telephone number.’
    So, in other words MEMA is obligated to keep your submission confidential if you choose that option and even if you agree to let them publish it, then they will not reveal any details that might give away which country the submission originated from or whether they are an Aus. citizen.
    I think we should be calling for an independent audit of all submissions.
    I’m having trouble getting my head around this. Am I overreacting or is there something deeply disturbing about this whole thing? Is it ok that a British tourist that has come to Australia, had a swim or a fish, return home, never to be seen on Aust shores again, is allowed to have a say in something that will have such a big impact on Australian society.?. Or worse still someone who has never even set foot in Aust and never will, can have a say.
    And even if you agree that its ok for a non-Aust tourist to have a say, how would MEMA sort out the submissions of the ones who had actually visited and the ones that hadn’t.
    And all this before we even consider the potential for mass group submissions from the radical green groups OS.
    Its not just the lock-outs that we must stop, its MEMA and the whole system.

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  11. #11

    Re: Stop the lockout

    I have to say I’m a bit shocked by the lack of interest and response to this thread ..... surely even you are not in NSW you must realise that the successful implementation of such a proposal will rally the greens to have a crack in your own waters ..... Furthermore alarm bells should be ringing loud that a Conservative government is driving this proposal.

    I keep hearing how apathetic fishoes are .... I guess they are right.

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  12. #12

    Re: Stop the lockout

    That's more or less what I was aluding to in my first post, "we" (all rec fishos) just seem to express how bad it is, but, it doesn't affect me (because it's in someone else's area) so, it's just lost.

  13. #13
    Free Membership Dirtyfuzz's Avatar
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    Re: Stop the lockout

    A scuba diving company here on Sunshine Coast has been posting up videos of an increasing grey nurse shark population on one of the close reefs that is a very popular small boat fishing spot, I’m sure dive companies are already petitioning for restrictions to this area!

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    Mercury 115ct going strong😁

  14. #14
    Free Membership Dirtyfuzz's Avatar
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    Re: Stop the lockout

    Quote Originally Posted by NAGG View Post
    I have to say I’m a bit shocked by the lack of interest and response to this thread ..... surely even you are not in NSW you must realise that the successful implementation of such a proposal will rally the greens to have a crack in your own waters ..... Furthermore alarm bells should be ringing loud that a Conservative government is driving this proposal.

    I keep hearing how apathetic fishoes are .... I guess they are right.

    I’ve been part of the Facebook page and following quite intently as you can bet your farm this is just a test for the rest of the coastline, I find it interesting that only 20000 submissions have been entered and how they are tallied, I have put in 5 myself so I don’t get how they can get a true number, thought they would tie it to an email address and name, but I alone have 4 email addresses

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Mercury 115ct going strong😁

  15. #15

    Re: Stop the lockout

    Maybe Stop the lockout FB page should set up another page that those who have signed the petition also let them know, not sure how you set up your own survey etc or how you control the spammers but it would be interesting to compare the numbers.

    Edit. Also found it helpful when encouraging others to sign petitions to put out a sample text of response, while the 60k of people following the page might have good intentions the majority will balk when it comes to entering comments.

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