Hey Feral,
I'm going thru exactly the same as you but on the NC3100 with twin 250 yammis.
I made up pod adaptor plates and bolted them under the pods to bring them back to where they were originally after being raised and found that the boat was very stable but fuel economy went south.
Obviously because I then created more drag under the boat.
I have now removed them plus the spray deflectors and the perma trims, tried 15", 17" & 18" props, raised the motors one hole, put the spray deflectors and perma trims back on.
The boat walks a bit but I actually prefer it that way. It seems to ride much better
I have now managed to get it back to something a bit more manageable but like yourself I'm also after range fully loaded and need the boat to do 30knots as that's the best performance ride for the boat.
I have data for 10 different set ups now and want to do a trial with a set of 19's but they might bog the boat down in heavy seas and be much worse economy.
It's hard to compare the data tho, as it's done on different days in different conditions.
Just need to do more trips to see what works best.
Perseverance will get us there