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It Begins..... Seafarer Ventura Stringers and floor. - Page 8
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Thread: It Begins..... Seafarer Ventura Stringers and floor.

  1. #106

    Re: It Begins..... Seafarer Ventura Stringers and floor.

    Steaming along Gford, i found the resin goes off to quick in the hotter months i plan on buying a small bottle of super slow cure for summer it gives a extra 10min pot life when your talking a 15min pot life that extra 10 is a lot of time

  2. #107
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Jan 2013

    Re: It Begins..... Seafarer Ventura Stringers and floor.

    Quote Originally Posted by gazza2006au View Post
    Steaming along Gford, i found the resin goes off to quick in the hotter months i plan on buying a small bottle of super slow cure for summer it gives a extra 10min pot life when your talking a 15min pot life that extra 10 is a lot of time
    Yeah. In full sun the glass was curing quick. In the shade it's not so bad.
    The flow coat was going off pretty quick too, I just made small batches and got it down quick.

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  3. #108
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: It Begins..... Seafarer Ventura Stringers and floor.

    Couple more progress pics. I was planning on doing a heap, but a shitty drizzly morning saw me with very little motivation.....
    I see what you mean about glassing when it's raining. The stuff i put down yesterday on the fuel tank top was shit. Had to rip up a few patches with the grinder, then a good layer of glass in the sun after it came out. Looks good now......
    A couple of small patches of flowcoat were also still tacky. Assuming itll go off eventually?
    I got the fuel tank in and the aluminium angle for the tank top.
    The plan is, once it has been flow coated, to put it in and seal with tape for now.
    The long term plan is to stick it in and seal it with sikaflex, so that'll it is sealed and doesn't fill with dust/water etc, but can be removed without cutting, just a knife and a heap of swearing....... 20181018_152202.jpg20181018_152530.jpg

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  4. #109

    Re: It Begins..... Seafarer Ventura Stringers and floor.

    I think its the high humidity in the air as why we cannot glass on rainy days the resin doesn't cure because of the moisture in the air

  5. #110
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: It Begins..... Seafarer Ventura Stringers and floor.

    I'm using epoxy in FNQ so humidity is basically high all the time, there are rare days where it is below 70% but typically I would be doing the work above 70% and with temps of 30 degrees. I use super slow hardener for all the work due to the temp and it does go off quickly due to the heat but I don't have issues with a non-cure or a partial cure at all. I expect there are some effects the humidity has on the overall strength of the bond and the plywood probably has a higher moisture content when it is glassed than it should. But that's just the way it is in doing the work up here, I'm still comfortable with the result and expect the strength will still be more than sufficient.

    Just looking at your pics, not sure whether it is the type of hardener or wood but the epoxy cure you have looks more cloudy than I am getting. Pics below, I threw these up in your thread too Gazza, all but the centre stringer done now.

    Attachment 117999Attachment 118000

  6. #111

    Re: It Begins..... Seafarer Ventura Stringers and floor.

    Crooked i noticed that too but never thought much of it maybe Gford isn't allowing enough resin to soak into the cloth before it goes off? i noticed this yesterday while i was glassing using a paint brush i had to add a little more resin to get the cloth to that translucent state before i moved on

  7. #112
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: It Begins..... Seafarer Ventura Stringers and floor.

    Havent been making as much progress lately as I'd hoped, but got a bit done today.
    Cut out the shelf in the cabin. Was gonna leave it in, but found it was masonite, so out it goes.
    Going to get rid of the other one too, its made of what looks like sawdust holding hands, not really strong anymore.
    Got the fuel tank cover in. Pretty happy with the fit. Covered with plastic now to protect it.
    Got a couple little bits in (where I plan on putting fuel jerries), just sitting in for now.
    Forward cabin floor cut and sitting in for now. Not 100% happy with the fit, but I think itll work.
    Gotta secure it for another month, work calls.
    Shame it's not finished.20181023_104251.jpg20181023_115409.jpg20181023_115415.jpg20181023_115432.jpg20181023_125223.jpg

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  8. #113
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: It Begins..... Seafarer Ventura Stringers and floor.

    Quote Originally Posted by gazza2006au View Post
    Crooked i noticed that too but never thought much of it maybe Gford isn't allowing enough resin to soak into the cloth before it goes off? i noticed this yesterday while i was glassing using a paint brush i had to add a little more resin to get the cloth to that translucent state before i moved on
    I think it's where theres multiple layers. One layer is nice and clear, but when I go 2 or 3 it gets cloudy.
    I've been using a shitload of resin, was worried some bits was too much.

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  9. #114

    Re: It Begins..... Seafarer Ventura Stringers and floor.

    I wouldn't worry about your cabin floor looks like an ok fit just make a really thick glue mix that wont sag it will bridge any gaps mix your glue so it balls up in the cup

  10. #115
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: It Begins..... Seafarer Ventura Stringers and floor.

    Quote Originally Posted by gazza2006au View Post
    I wouldn't worry about your cabin floor looks like an ok fit just make a really thick glue mix that wont sag it will bridge any gaps mix your glue so it balls up in the cup
    Yeah it's not too bad. Just disappointed I didnt get it better.

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  11. #116
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: It Begins..... Seafarer Ventura Stringers and floor.

    Just had an idea. The forward shelves had a piece of maybe 20mm square timber glassed to them, and nailed/glassed to the bulkhead for a bit of extra support.
    My question, I have some 25x25x3mm aluminium angle left over.
    If I mixed some resin glue and stuck/glassed that on would it do the job? I'm sure its strong enough, but would the resin and glass stick well enough to the aluminium?
    I guess I could screw it, but would rather not.....

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  12. #117
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: It Begins..... Seafarer Ventura Stringers and floor.

    are you consolidating your glass n resin after it has been laid? You need to ensure enough resin is applied so that it breaks up the binders in the matting. No need to consolidate every layer, I tend to do it with every 2nd layer using 450 matting..You do need to ensure that you have applied enough resin to the first layer before you put the 2nd layer down as it is extremely difficult to push the resin through the top layer of glass to layers underneath it. If the first layer is not wet out enough then in effect every other layer you apply on top of it is binding to something that is not sufficiently bound to the structure.. Im not 100% sure on using the aluminium but I imagine that if you ruffed it up with a very course grinding wheel then the glass should stick to it fine..

  13. #118
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: It Begins..... Seafarer Ventura Stringers and floor.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cox76y View Post
    are you consolidating your glass n resin after it has been laid? You need to ensure enough resin is applied so that it breaks up the binders in the matting. No need to consolidate every layer, I tend to do it with every 2nd layer using 450 matting..You do need to ensure that you have applied enough resin to the first layer before you put the 2nd layer down as it is extremely difficult to push the resin through the top layer of glass to layers underneath it. If the first layer is not wet out enough then in effect every other layer you apply on top of it is binding to something that is not sufficiently bound to the structure.. Im not 100% sure on using the aluminium but I imagine that if you ruffed it up with a very course grinding wheel then the glass should stick to it fine..
    Yeah I thought it was fine. Plenty of resin. Rolling it out. Seems to be sticking fine. I just thought the cloudiness was from multiple layers, as it gets more pronounced as the glass layers get thicker.
    It feels solid as a rock.

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  14. #119
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: It Begins..... Seafarer Ventura Stringers and floor.

    Back into it after a few weeks at work.
    Cleaned up the last area that needed a floor.
    Glassed the underside of this bit, patched the plumbing holes and stuck it in place.
    Happy with how it's gone.
    Tomorrow will be sanding/grinding to clean the dags, then a couple layers of glass I guess.
    Then will have to figure out which bit to cut next, i think it'll be those 2 forward bulkheads.
    I moved from the transom forward, now looks like ill have to work from forward back......20181126_134713.jpg

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  15. #120
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: It Begins..... Seafarer Ventura Stringers and floor.

    Took advantage of the shade and decided to see how my seat boxes looked.
    Quick polish up and threw the door on.
    Pretty happy with it.
    Not perfect but 100% better then they were. They never had doors, so were just dead space. All beat up, so the not quite perfect flow coat finish is still a big improvement.
    Ignore the bottom, going to get stuck down and glassed in, so the bottom bit is still rough.20181126_163821.jpg

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