Making progress. Basically all construction now done.
Did a bit of flowcoating, the hard to reach places....
Got my seatbases glassed in.
Tried the forward hatch for size, found the latch to be a bit off centre. I know that it would bug the shit out of me everytime i looked at it, and being the middle of the floor. That's a lot..... filled and recut the hole, happy now......
Took the tank out again, was only sitting in.
Some flowcoating and its done. Construction wise anyway.
I do plan on building a new dash, but I'll do that once its mostly done....
Anyway, a few photos.
I will reassamble it for photos soon, theres more done then it looks like.....20190118_105726.jpg20190119_154457.jpg20190119_154511.jpg
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